4 。 Experiments and results实验与结果
The conducted experiments were focused in verifying the achieved improvements in the production of flute sound by the进行实验的重点核查取得改善生产长笛的声音
WF-4RIV.白- 4RIV 。 For this purpose, we proposed different sets of experiments to verify the effectiveness of the new designed lips,为此,我们提出不同的实验来验证的有效性,新设计的嘴唇,
tonguing, vibrato, and lungs mechanisms.吐,颤音和肺部机制。 At first, regarding the new lips and tonguing mechanisms, we proposed to analyze首先,关于新的嘴唇和吐机制,我们建议分析
the performance of the robot while playing a single note in order to verify if the new mechanism contributes in reducing the性能的机器人,同时发挥一个单一的说明,以便核实,如果新的机制,有助于减少
delays observed during the attack time on the WF-4RIII [15]. Furthermore, we proposed to analyze the shape of the sound to延误期间发现攻击时间对白, 4RIII [ 15 ] 。此外,我们提出来分析形状的声音
verify that the new lips mechanism can still accurately control the air beam parameters (thickness, width and angle) so that确认新的嘴唇机制仍然可以准确地控制空气梁参数(厚度,宽度和角度) ,使
a more clear sound is achieved.更明确的声音实现。 Then, regarding the vibrato mechanism, we proposed to analyze if the new mechanical design然后,关于颤音的机制,我们建议进行分析,如果新的机械设计
is useful in adding vibrations to the air beam so that more expressive performances can be achieved.是有益的补充振动空气梁,使更多的表现力的表演是可以实现的。 In particular, we尤其是,我们
proposed to verify if the proposed systems can effectively control the frequency and amplitude of aperture of the artificial拟议的核查如果拟议的系统可有效地控制频率和振幅的孔径人工
glottis.声门。 Finally, regarding the lung mechanism, we proposed to verify if the air conversion efficiency was effectively increased最后,关于肺癌的机制,我们建议,以验证如果空气转换效率得到有效提高
using the new mechanical design.使用新的机械设计。 For this purpose, we have defined the air conversion efficiency as is shown in Eq.为此,我们已经确定了空气转换效率为显示均衡器。 (1); ( 1 ) ;
where Q is the air flow rate and V is the lung volume capacity:其中q是空气流量和V是肺容积的能力:
4.1. 4.1 。 Lips and tonguing mechanisms嘴唇和吐机制
Regarding the lips and tonguing mechanisms, we have programmed the WF-4RIV to blow a note to measure the attack关于嘴唇和吐机制,我们有计划的白表, 4RIV炸毁了一份说明,以衡量攻击
time.时间。 The attack time was obtained by measuring the air flow while playing a note (A4).这次袭击的时间是通过测量获得的空气流动,同时发挥了说明( A4号) 。 In Fig.图。 12, the attack time of the flute 12日,发病时间的长笛
sound produced by the professional flutist, the WF-4RIII and the WF-4RIV are shown.健全所产生的专业长笛演奏家,在海傍, 4RIII和白, 4RIV显示。 In the case of the professional flutist,对于专业的长笛演奏家,
the measured attack time was 30 ms.实测攻击时间为30毫秒。 Meanwhile, the attacking time required by WF-4RIV was more similar to the human同时,攻击所需的时间白, 4RIV更类似于人类
one while comparing with the WF-4RIII (20 ms and 120 ms, respectively). 1 ,同时相对于白, 4RIII ( 20毫秒和120毫秒,分别) 。
In addition, we have also measured the sound intensity level (SIL) of the produced flute sound while playing the same此外,我们还测量了声强级(南港)的制作笛子声音相同的比赛
note several times [10].注意到几次[ 10 ] 。 The SIL describes the sound intensity (volume) on the decibel scale which mimics the ear's response.血清sIL介绍了声强(卷)的分贝规模模仿耳朵的反应。
As it is shown in Fig.因为它是在图所示。 13, the sound shape of the produced sound by the WF-4RIV is smoother that the one produced by the 13 ,完善的形状制作声音的白, 4RIV是平滑,一个由
WF-4RIII, thanks to the improvements of the tonguing system.白- 4RIII ,由于改进吐系统。
4.2. 4.2 。 Vibrato mechanism颤音机制
From the musical literature, there has been a long discussion about how the vibrato is produced by flutists.从音乐文学,出现了长时间的讨论如何颤音是由flutists 。 Several几个
researchers have pointed out that vibrato is exclusively produced by the throat.研究人员指出,颤音是独家生产的喉咙。 However, others have proposed the diaphragm不过,也有建议隔膜
as principal source of it.作为它的主要来源。 In particular, experiments by Gartner placed the production of the vibrato in the abdominal特别是,试验由Gartner放在生产的颤音在腹部
region with some related laryngeal activity for lower frequencies (under 5 Hz) and solely in the larynx for higher frequencies区域内一些相关的喉癌活动频率较低( 5赫兹)和只在喉的更高的频率
(normally between 5 and 7 Hz). (通常是5至7赫兹) 。 From these observations [2], he stated that the diaphragm does not produce the vibrato and从这些意见[ 2 ] ,他指出,不产生隔膜的颤音和
the throat vibrato is produced by periodic widening and narrowing of the vocal cords.喉咙颤音是由定期扩大和缩小的声带。
Therefore, towards the production of a more human-like vibrato by the flutist robot, we carried out experiments to determine因此,对生产更多的人力样颤音的长笛演奏家机器人,我们进行了实验,以确定
the effectiveness of the designed mechanisms on the production of such vibrato.效力的设计机制,生产这种颤音。 The proposed experiment was focused拟议的实验的重点
in verifying if the designed human-like vocal cord can be used to effectively control the vibrations added to the air stream在核实如果设计类人声带可以用来有效地控制振动添加到空气流
coming from the lungs.来自肺部。 In particular, the throat vibrato is characterized by two parameters: amplitude and frequency.特别是,喉咙颤音的特点是两个参数:幅值和频率。 For为了
this purpose, we have programmed the WF-4RIV to play the note A4; while varying the amplitude of the aperture of the为此,我们已规划的白, 4RIV发挥注意到A4规定;而不同幅度的光圈
glottis at a constant frequency (4 Hz) as well as varying the frequency of aperture of the glottis from 2 Hz up to 9 Hz.声门上恒定频率( 4赫兹)以及不同的频率,光圈声门从2赫兹多达9赫兹。 In在
Fig.Fig. Fig.Fig 。 14, the results of varying the amplitude of aperture of the glottis while playing the note A4 are shown. 14日,其结果不同幅度的光圈声门打A4规定的说明显示。 The vibration振动
frequency was set constant (4 Hz) and the amplitude was controlled by setting the amplitude of aperture of the glottis to频率设定常数( 4赫兹)和振幅控制设置的振幅光圈声门至
an amplitude of 2 mm (small amplitude) and to an amplitude of 8 mm (high amplitude).振幅2毫米(小幅度)和振幅的8毫米(高幅) 。 As a result, the amplitude of the其结果是,振幅
produced flute sound was around 0.87 dB and 7.3 dB, respectively (actually, the vibrato mechanism of the WF-4RIII [13]制作笛子声音左右0.87分贝和7.3分贝,分别(其实,颤音机制海傍- 4RIII [ 13 ]
could effectively reproduce amplitudes up to 2 dB).可以有效地重现振幅高达2分贝) 。 From this result, we could confirm the effect of varying the amplitude从这个结果,我们可以确认的影响,不同的振幅
of aperture of the glottis using the designed vocal cord while producing throat vibrato.光圈的声门使用声带而设计生产的喉咙颤音。 On the other hand, the results of varying另一方面,不同的结果
the frequency of glottis aperture are shown in Fig.的频率,声门光圈中显示图。 15 while playing note A4. 15同时,还能够注意到A4规定。 The frequency of aperture of the glottis was光圈的频率是在声门
controlled to 2, 4 and 9 Hz (actually, the vibrato mechanism of the WF-4RIII [13] could effectively reproduce frequencies up控制,以第2 ,第4和第9赫兹(其实,颤音机制海傍- 4RIII [ 13 ]可以有效地重现频率高达
to 7 Hz).至7赫兹) 。 From this experiment, we measured the frequency of vibration of the resulted sound; where the measured frequency从这个实验中,我们测量的频率振动,产生声音;在测量频率
was 2.2, 4.3 and 9.5 Hz, respectively. 2.2 , 4.3和9.5赫兹,分别。 From this result, we could confirm the effect of varying the frequency of aperture从这个结果,我们可以确认的影响,不同的频率,光圈
of the glottis using the designed vocal cord.在声门使用旨在声带。
听着,由专业的WF-4RIII 1982和WF-4RIV如下所示。在这个案例中,专业1982
一个较WF-4RIII(20 ms - 120 ms)。
能有效地复制振幅最多2 dB型硅碳棒)。从这个结果,我们可以确定不同的振幅的影响
4 。实验和结果
白- 4RIV 。为此,我们提出不同的实验来验证的有效性,新设计的嘴唇,
延误期间发现攻击时间对白, 4RIII [ 15 ] 。此外,我们提出来分析形状的声音
确认新的嘴唇机制仍然可以准确地控制空气梁参数(厚度,宽度和角度) ,使
使用新的机械设计。为此,我们已经确定了空气转换效率为显示均衡器。 ( 1 ) ;
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