
2025-03-23 03:54:33


Australia operates three BSL-4 labs. These are

* The Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong (VIC).

* The Virology Laboratory of the Queensland Department of Health at Coopers Plains (QLD).

* The National High Security Laboratory, operating under the auspices of the Victoria Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, in North Melbourne (VIC).


Several research institutions such as University of São Paulo, Instituto Butantan and Instituto Adolf Lutz have BSL-3 laboratories to study infectious diseases or develop vaccines against Tuberculosis. It is not clear that Fundação Oswaldo Cruz actually operates a BSL-4 laboratoy in Rio de Janeiro. Original citation in this page: "The Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, a biomedical research institute of the Brazilian government, operates a BSL-4 in Rio de Janeiro".


Canada has one BSL4 facility, located at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. In the 1990s, a BSL-4 was constructed in Toronto, however, it never opened due to community opposition.

Czech Republic

Czech Republic has BSL4 lab at Centrum biologické ochrany Těchonín (Center of Biological Protection).[4]


France maintains a P4 (for "pathogen" or "protection" level 4) laboratory, Laboratoire P4 Jean Mérieux in Lyon.


The Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF), a research organization supported by the French government, operates West Africa's only BSL-4 lab.


Germany currently has two L4 facilities: one located at the Philipps University of Marburg, Institute of Virology and the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg. A new P4 lab is currently being built in Marburg and will take over the functions of the old L4 facility there. Also, another P4 lab is planned to be built at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin.


Japan has a BSL4 lab at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Department of Virology I, Tokyo; however, currently work in this lab is only performed with BSL3 agents. Japan has also a non-operating BSL4 lab at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tsukuba. Both labs face community opposition.


India's BSL4 lab is High Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL) located in Bhopal, India. It deals with all kinds of zoonotic organisms and emerging infectious disease threats.


Italy's BSL4 lab are at: - Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive, Ospedale Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome. (National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.) - Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Luigi Sacco - Polo Universitario - (Milano). In that hospital there are also two special vehicles in BSL4 for transportation of infectious persons


The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment]], located in Bilthoven, is constructing a BSL3-4 laboratory at the moment. The construction should finish end of 2009.


VEKTOR State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region. Other BSL4 facilities available during the Soviet era have been dismantled.


The Defence Science Organization(DSO) National Laboratories operates a BSL-4 facility. With the announced[5] goal of conducting autopsies during a potential deadly epidemic outbreak, Singapore also has a mobile BSL-4 autopsy facility, perhaps the only one of its kind in the world.

South Africa

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Special Pathogens Unit in Johannesburg, South Africa is one of two BSL4 labs in Africa.


The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control runs Scandinavia's only P4 laboratory in Solna.


The Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis (IVI) in Mittelhäusern is the only publicly known laboratory in Switzerland to be classed as having biosafety level (BSL) 4. This laboratory only deals with animal disease which do not transmit to humans, and is the only P4 facility where complete isolation suits are not used.

A P4 laboratory was inaugurated on February 01, 2007 in the Teaching Hospital of Geneva.

Since November 12, 2007 the new High Containment Laboratory DDPS (SiLab) in Spiez is under construction and will start operations in 2010. This laboratory will comply with biosafety level (BSL) 4.


In Taiwan, two laboratories have BSL4. One is Preventive Medical Institute of ROC Ministry of National Defense, another is Kwen-yang Laboratory (昆阳实验室) Center of Disease Control, Department of Health ROC.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom currently has three BSL-4 laboratories, with another under construction. One is under construction at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, and the other has been built by the Ministry of Defence at Porton Down and is called the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment. There is also a BSL-4 Laboratory in the Viral Zoonosis unit at the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Infections in Colindale.

United States of America

The U.S. maintains at least eight Biosafety Level 4 facilities, and is currently planning at least seven more:

Operational Facilities:

* USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, MD ("old building")
* CDC in Atlanta, GA (two buildings operational)
* NIH's BSL-4 lab on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD (sometimes operates at BSL-3), never operated as a "hot" BSL4
* NIH's BSL-4 lab at the Twinbrook III building, Rockville, MD (sometimes operates at BSL-3)
* Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research in San Antonio, TX
* UTMB's Shope Laboratory in Galveston, TX
* Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA (smaller "glovebox" facility)
* The Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services lab (part of the Department of General Services of the Commonwealth of Virginia) in Richmond, VA (so-called "surge" BSL-4 capacity)

Facilities Under Construction and Planned:

* USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, MD ("new building", in design)
* Boston University's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (NEIDL) in Boston, MA (under construction)
* UTMB's National Biocontainment Facility in Galveston, TX (under construction)
* DHS's National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) in Fort Detrick, MD (under construction)
* DHS's National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), shortlisted July 2007; final site selection mid to late 2008
* NIAID's Integrated Research Facility in Fort Detrick, MD (in construction- earliest operational date 2009)
* NIAID's Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, MT (in construction - earliest operational date 2009)


癌基因与相关基因国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 上海
病毒基因工程国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 北京
病毒学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 湖北
病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室 生命 总后勤部卫生部 北京
传染病预防控制国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 北京
淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 湖北
蛋白质工程和植物基因工程国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 北京
分子生物学国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 上海
分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 北京
华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 广东
计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室 生命 国家人口和计划生育委员会 北京
脑与认知科学国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
农业虫害鼠害研究国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
农业生物技术国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 北京
农业微生物学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 湖北
生化工程国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
生物大分子国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
生物反应器工程国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 上海
生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
生物治疗国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 四川
实验血液学国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 天津
兽医生物技术国家重点实验室 生命 农业部 黑龙江
水稻生物学国家重点实验室 生命 农业部 浙江
天然药物与仿生药物国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 北京
微生物技术国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 山东
微生物资源国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
新药研究国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 上海
医学分子生物学国家重点实验室 生命 卫生部 北京
医学基因组学国家重点实验室 生命 上海市科学技术委员会 上海
医学神经生物学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 上海
医学遗传学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 湖南
医药生物技术国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 江苏
遗传工程国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 上海
有害生物控制国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 广东
植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室 生命 农业部 北京
植物分子遗传国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 上海
植物化学与西部植物资源国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 云南
植物基因组学国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
植物生理学与生物化学国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 北京
植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室 生命 中国科学院 北京
肿瘤生物学国家重点实验室 生命 总后勤部卫生部 陕西
作物遗传改良国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 湖北
作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室 生命 教育部 江苏



