选举(selection 中国古代选举)是由统治者来选择统治者,或者说是以“贤”选“贤”(“贤”不含褒贬义),即还是通过少数来选择少数,但它又是被相当强韧地客观化和制度化了的,不以个人的意志和欲望为转移。它是一种自上而下的选择。它从理论上虽说也是几乎所有人都不被排斥在外,但实际上却总是只有很少数人参加或被选,甚至只有少数人参加,更少人被选才能顺利运作,参与者或被选者不是选他人,而实际是自己被选或自荐,最后或者是通过他人的推荐, 或者是通过客观的考试而被选中。选中者自然是一批人,而非一个人,他们亦非成为最高决策者,而只是成为君主制下的官员或者获得任官资格。竞选者所依凭的主要是体现在个人自身的德行、才能、名望、族望,或者文化修养,每次的被选中者也不构成一个统一的集团而仍是一些个别的人,每次选举也不带来国家政策上的改变,而只是为统治阶层输送新血。所以,它总是精英的,从形式到实质都是少数人的一种活动。它的选择标准是受到某种先定的实质内容的限制的,它也不涉及到传统国家和政府合法性的根本基础,但它为社会提供了一种稳定的、可以合理预测的期望,对社会资源的分配、社会分层的确立以及个人地位的变迁意义至关重大。
2、选举(election 现代选举 )是一种具有公认规则的程序形式,人们据此而从所有人或一些人中选择几个人一个人担任一定职务。《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》“election”词条的作者巴特勒(D.E.Butler)指出:该词源于拉丁语动词“eligere”(意为“挑选”),虽然起源甚早,但现代含义上的、作为民主前提的自由和普遍的选举,其历史实际上只有两个世纪。按科特雷(J.Cotteret)与 埃梅里(C.Emeri)的意见,现代的“选举”(election)可以被定义为有种种程序、司法的和具体的行为构成的一个整体,其主要目的是让被统治者任命统治者。又迈克尔·曼主编的《国际社会学百科全书》的“选举”词条说,选举是较大的群体为自己提供一个较小的领导群体的一种方法。我们或许可以说:现代选举是以“多”选“少”,以“众”选“贤”(“贤”不含褒贬义),即通过多数来选择实施统治的少数。现在大多数国家和地区都执行选举制度。
具体而言,就是各级人民代表大会和基层村民委员会的代表由选举产生,但各级人民政府的负责人不一定由选举产生,而是由上级政府任命,但受本级人大的监督和考核。所任命的政府负责人要每年向本级人大进行年度述职汇报工作,人大可随时对其弹劾罢免,能否留任由人大进行信任投票来决定,考核合格通过信任投票的才能留任,被留任的在任期届满时才能平调或升迁;考核不合格的由人大予以免职,只能待岗或降职任用,不得升迁,免职造成的空缺由上级重新任命。 (当然,为了增加人大的“政治能量”,使其能与政府博弈,需要允许他们自办报纸、发表观点,需要允许人大直选,需要缩小人大代表数量)
Sense of responsibility on behalf of the voters, it can be said on behalf of a political conscience, is the basic idea of a democratic conditions.
Modern society in the democratic political system, and on behalf of the voters (in the parliamentary members of the country is) the relationship between the political power of voters, on behalf of the awareness of such issues as democracy, is there a correct understanding, is a very key issue.
China's Constitution stipulates that "all the powers of the People's Republic of China belongs to the people" and the exercise of this power is the legal organ People's Congress. China's socialist democratic politics in practice, it is through the voters of the political rights enjoyed by them as a whole are able to exercise political power to achieve.
From the provisions of our Constitution, the voters is part of the citizens, that is, the right to vote and stand for election in that part of the citizens. In general, the voters as individuals enjoy the political rights to participate in the elections, the electorate as a whole has the elected representatives of the political power constraints. The former is the provisions of China's electoral law. "Electoral candidates to be voted for, you can vote against it, you can elect the other voters can abstain from voting." This is a personal act; the latter reflecting the voters and elected representatives of the relationship between that Election Law stipulates: "The national and local levels on behalf of the People's Congress by the voters and the supervision of the units which elected them. electors or electoral units have the right to recall their elected representatives." voters to exercise their political power that is a collective behavior. Voters to vote and on behalf of the supervision, the power of removal, combined with what we call modern democracy in the people's political choice.
Therefore, on behalf of such a democracy should have the awareness that their own authority as the level (the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at all levels) representatives elected by the voters, the power is given by the voters, the voters have the right to recovery of such power. Therefore, in the exercise of power on behalf of the process, must be fully responsible to the voters. Can not do this, it is enough to measure the representative of the fundamental criterion for eligibility.
Each representative must be responsible to the voters does not mean that the representative is only a negative and passive political tool, on the contrary, each representative should be fully aware that he is active in democratic politics, conscious political subjects. People's awareness of the political subjects to fulfill their duties to ensure the reliable. Each delegate is able to perform their duties, the voters because he is elected through a legal process, and is the result of specific legislative bodies (such as the credentials committee) to review adopted. The legitimacy of the identity of this is the main representative of the political awareness of the legal basis.
The main representatives of the political awareness of the importance, it shows that as a legitimate representative of the identity of political subjects, should be responsible to the voters, correctly reflect the views of voters under the premise of independence, self-determination to vote and express their views, and in no way should be echoed later by other What other people by the cue. Otherwise, he would not be responsible to the voters, will lose as a representative of the qualifications.
With the development of socialist democracy and improvement in the political life of our country, whether it is or on behalf of voters, democratic politics are constantly improve the quality, of course, on behalf of, the individual differences that exist, after all, so there is an enhanced sense of accomplishment of the tasks of democracy. Sense of responsibility on behalf of the voters, it can be said on behalf of a political conscience, is the basic idea of a democratic conditions.
With the development of socialist democracy