Closed door policy is the rule of the Qing Dynasty Group of the performance of narrow-minded nationalism. As early as the 17th century, the Qing government of the Ming forces to counter the activities of Zheng Chenggong, have been pushing for a 海禁. After recovering Taiwan, 海禁 disarmament. After the mid-18th century, in the face of Western colonial intrusion, the Qing government also announced the introduction of closed-door policy. Qing Dynasty rulers are not only suspicious of the Han people, is to act as the Han臣仆also great landowners wary of the bureaucracy. It seeks to 海禁, closed to the domestic Chinese and completely cut off from the outside world to prevent their internal and external linking, the formation of anti-force.“闭关锁国政策”实行的原因:首先,“闭关锁国政策”是落后的、闭塞的、自给自足的封建自然经济的产物。封建统治者自我满足并昏睡在这种自然的庄园中,他们既昧于世界大势,又盲目排斥外国的一切东西。其次,“闭关锁国政策”是清朝统治者民族狭隘性的表现。由于满清贵族与人民群众之间存在着尖锐的矛盾与斗争,满清统治者便企图通过“闭关”的办法将国内的汉人与外界隔绝,以防止外国人支持汉人形成反清力量。同时,明朝中期以后,日本倭寇侵扰我国东南沿海和西方殖民者向东方的殖民扩张,也是明清统治者实行“闭关锁国政策”的客观原因。