简爱(同原名) 主题曲 大师约翰·威廉姆斯早期的电影配乐 Youth's the season made for joys, Love is then our duty. She alone who that employs, Well deserves her beauty. Let's be gay while we may. Beauty's a flower, Despised in decay. Youth's the season made for joys, Love is then our duty. Let us drink and sport today, Ours is not tomorrow. Love with youth flies swift away, Age is not but sorrow. Dance and sing, Time's on the wing. Life never knows the return of spring. Let us drink and sport today, Ours is not tomorrow. 青春是欢乐的季节,爱情是我们的本份。只有懂得此中真谛,方能不辜负你的美貌。让我们及时行乐,莫虚度年华。美貌有如花朵,凋谢后便遭唾弃。青春是欢乐的季节,爱情是我们的本份。 今日有酒今日醉,何必等到明天?青春和爱情稍纵即逝,白头即是悲哀。跳吧,唱吧,光阴似箭。生活不似春天,去而复返。今日有酒今日醉,何必等到明天? 这里是钢琴曲的下载地址 http://www.i7766.com/album_100/file/455_3416.mp3