1. 俺的英语基础好差,套用一位外语区专家的名字,那就是“一问啥不知”啊T-T 所以,我觉得自身的基本功一定要过硬,特别是语法啊,词语搭配啊,反正学生问的问题满细的,而且一下子你也没有太多考虑时间,哎,所以我经常是说我现在也不确定,等我再想一下,待会告诉你。从此俺暗下决心,发奋要恶补语法知识,阿呀呀。。。
2. 其实当实习老师很简单,就是不要太把自己当老师。当然上课的时候还是要有点老师的样子的,不能亲切过头(这又是我犯的一大错误)。平时跟他们聊聊天啊,活动课一起玩玩啊。估计实习的时候还能碰上运动会、秋游这些,那更是跟他们加深感情的好机会哦。虽然我教书方面是差了点,但毕竟是实习老师嘛,小朋友不会太介意的。他们比较喜欢亲切的,可爱的,不那么像老师的老师^_^
3. 要认真、负责。你能来这里提问,就说明你是个很认真的人哦。我的指导老师给我总结的好老师要做到的三点:认真、有心、基本功。态度是最重要的,指导老师要你做的一定要认真完成。如果去早自修的话最好是比老师去得早,表示尊重哦。其他一些上课技巧我就不说了,相信你们在学校一定也练过不少了,呵呵。另外可以的话多听听不同老师的课,博采众长嘛。
Life had a nice little surprise for me today.
This afternoon, when I walked up to my Read 766 classroom as usual to take my routine two-and-a-half-hour
class, I found a sticky note on the closed door instead of the normal humming and brightly-lit room. It read:
Read 766 class tonight has been cancelled.
Nice. NO class tonight.
Tuesday is usually my busiest day of the entire week, but today I am exceptionally free. My one-on-one
Chinese tutoring has been postponed: the student wasn't feeling well; The badminton practice has been
cancelled because there will be a volleyball match in the gym tonight; and now, my regular class has been
cancelled, too. Fine, whatever, I don't really care. The professor is a fake, anyway.
Now finally I have the time to write this piece.
Ok, now that most of you guys are soon gonna give lessons to your students, you certainly have this question
in your mind: What constitutes effective teaching and learning? Or put it another way: Do my students
understand what I am trying to teach?
I will not answer this question directly. I hope that you guys can figure it out yourselves by reading and
reflecting on the following vignette.
The best teacher I ever had was a nineteen-year-old academic advisee I met about four years after I began
my college teaching career. Frank was a runner, and I would often see him out running early in the morning
or late at night as I drove to and from the university, usually in the dark. One spring morning when he sauntered
in for his semi-annual advising session, I said, "Frank, I see you running all the time. I've always wanted to run,
but I'm almost fifty. I'm probably too old, and I don't want to get hurt." His eyes lit up.
''Dr. Shearer, I know you can do this. I'll help, and if you let me guide you, you won't get hurt."
First he asked me what my goal was. I was puzzled. "I want to run. I want to lose weight. I want to get fit."
He said, "That's all fine, but you need a long-term and short-term target. When Oprah started running, her
target was to run a half marathon within the year."
We collaborated and I decided that my long-term target was to run to Madision (about 250 miles) by plotting
my daily distances on a map. We purchased huge country maps and every time I ran a mile, I'd mark the inch
or two on the big map until I reached my goal. My short-term goal was to run the local 5K race three months
later. Frank showed me how to stretch and how to warm up before and after I ran. He helped me plan a schedule
of running and walking, gradually increasing the time rather than focusing on the distance. "Now," Frank said,
"you have to think of yourself as a runner. When you want to eat something that's not healthy, don't pass it up
because you don't want the calories, pass it up because you are a runner, and runners don't eat that way . I also don't want you to wait until you are in shape to buy a good running outfit. you need to do it now, because after all, you are a runner!"
At least once a week, Frank and his girlfriend would pop into my office to check my maps, ask how I thought I
was doing, and see if I needed any support. Within two months, I surpassed my short-term goal of entering a
5K race; I entered and finished a five-mile race--dead last. A number of local runners who had finished long
before came back out and ran the last half mile with me, cheering me on to finish. I called Frank at home, and
even his mother was ecstatic.
Frank knew everything there was to know about human movivation. When I reflect on how much he understood
about the importance of having me set my own attainable long-and short-term goals, about the importance of
learning the process, and about intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, I am astounded. He also knew about change.
His focus wasn't to change my behaviors, but to change who I thought I was. I often wonder what became of him.
He's out there in the world somewhere teaching high school Social Studies. Perhaps some child you know will
have him for a teacher. How fortunate.
Ok, you've read the vignette. Please ponder over the question:
What are the elements that constitute effective and successful teaching and learning?
Can you identify some of them? If you can, post your answers down below. There are no right or wrong
answers. Let's just have a discussion.