简单点就用go to the washroom就行了。
要装得更虚伪文雅一点,可以说answer the call of nature,女的可以说pick some flowers。
女:May I go to the women's room?
男:May I go to the men's room?
Where's John?是问厕所在哪里的一种委婉说法~
还可以直接说,I'm sorry but I have to leave for a moment~
女士的话,还可以说 I wanna go and make up.
直接来个Excuse me 男女不分哦(不是厕所)
Excuse me,may I use your bathroom?
Excuse me,can I leave for a while?
give me a moment
Excuse me , I want to use the lady's room.
或者 直接说 restroom