2、运动系统[locomotor (kinetic) system]
•cervical vevtebrae[颈椎]
•thoracic vertebrae[胸椎]
•lumbar vertebrae[腰椎]
•thoracic cage[胸廓]
•frontal bone[额骨]
•parietal bone[顶骨]
•occipital bone[枕骨]
•temporal bone[颞骨]
•sphenoid bone[蝶骨]
•ethmoid bone[筛骨]
•mandible (submaxilla)[下颌骨]
•maxilla (supermaxilla)[上颌骨]
•nasal bone[鼻骨]
•coronal (sagital, lambdoid) suture [冠状(矢状,人字)缝]
•scapula (shoulder blade)[肩胛骨]
•sternum (breast bone)[胸骨]
•manubrium sterni (presternum)[胸骨柄]
•carpal bone[腕骨]
•metacarpal bone [掌骨]
•hip bone[髋骨]
•ischium [坐骨]
•femur [股骨]
•fibula [腓骨]
•medial rotation[旋内]
•lateral rotation[旋外]
•vertebral column[脊柱]
•intervertebral disc[椎间盘]
•temporal-mandibular joint[颞下颌关节]
•shoulder joint[肩关节]
•elbow joint[肘关节]
•radiocarpal joint[肩关节]
•radiocarpal joint[桡腕关节]
•hip joint[髋关节]
•knee joint[膝关节]
•ankle joint[踝关节]
•muscle [肌肉]
•tendinous sheath[腱鞘]
•latissimus dorsi[背阔肌]
•scalenus [斜角肌]
•pectoralis major[胸大肌]
•inguinal canal[腹股沟管]
•biceps brachii[肱二头肌]
•triceps brachii[肱三头肌]
•axillary fossa [腑窝]
•gluteus maximus[臀大肌]
•quadriceps femoris[股四头肌]
•triceps surae[小腿三头肌]
•femoral triangle[股三角]
•oral cavity[口腔]
•parotid gland[腮腺]
•stomach gaster[胃]
•ileum [回肠]
•large intestine[大肠]
•vermiform (appendix)[阑尾]
•anal canal[肛管]
•dentate line[齿状线]
•liver (hepar)[肝]
•porta hepatis[肝门]
•nasal cavity[鼻腔]
•paranasal sinus[鼻旁窦]
•laryngeal cavity[喉腔]
•vocal cord[声带]
•lung [肺]
•renal pilvis[肾盂]
•urinary bladder[膀胱]
•ductus deferens[输精管]
•spermatic cord[精索]
•uterine tube[输卵管]
•mamma (breast)[乳房]
•mammary papilla (nipple)[乳头]
•pelvic diaphragm[盆膈]
4、心血管系统[Cardiovascular system]
•tricuspid valve[三尖瓣]
•bicuspid valve[二尖瓣]
•aortic valve[主动脉瓣]
•pulmonary valve[肺动脉瓣]
•sinuatrial node[窦房结]
•atrioventricular node[房室结]
•atrioventricular bundle[房室束]
•right/left bundle branch[右/左束支]
•coronary artery[冠状动脉]
•coronary sinus[冠状窦]
•innominate artery[无名动脉(头臂干)]
•common carotid artery[颈总动脉]
•carotid sinus [颈动脉窦]
•internal(external) carotid artery[颈内(外)动脉]
•facial artery[面动脉]
•subclavian artery[锁骨下动脉]
•mesenteric artery[肠系膜动脉]
•common iliac artery[髂总动脉]
•popliteal artery [腘动脉]
•vena cava [腔静脉]
•internal jugular vein[颈内静脉]
•cephalic vein[头静脉]
•basilic vein[贵要静脉]
•saphenous vein[隐静脉]
•lymphatic duct[淋巴导管]
•thoracic duct[胸导管]
•lymph node[淋巴结]
5、感觉器[sense organs]
•sensory organ[感觉器]
•visual organ[视器]
•eyeball [眼球]
•choroid [脉络膜]
•ciliary body[睫状体]
•optic disc[视神经盘]
•macula lutea[黄斑]
•aqueous humor[房水]
•vitreous body[玻璃体]
•eyelid [眼睑]
•lacrimal gland[泪腺]
•vestibulocochlear organ[前庭蜗器]
•ear( auris) [耳]
•acoustic meatus[耳道]
•tympanic cavity[鼓室]
•tympanic membrane[鼓膜]
•pharyngotympanic tube [咽鼓管]
•bony(membranous) labyrinth[骨(膜)迷路]
•vestibule [前庭]
•semicircular canal[半规管]
•cochlear duct[蜗管]
•olfactory organ[嗅器]
•gustatory organ[味器]
•taste bud[味蕾]
6、神经系统[Nervous system]
•central nervous system[中枢神经系统]
•peripheral nervous system[周围神经系统]
•visceral nerve[内脏神经]
•afferent nerve[传入神经]
•efferent nerve[传出神经]
•axon [轴突]
•glia [神经胶质]
•gray matter [灰质]
•white matter[白质]
•spinal nerve[脊神经]
•cervical plexus[颈丛]
•brachial plexus[臂丛]
•lumbar plexus[腰丛]
•sacral plexus [骶丛]
•phrenic nerve[膈神经]
•median nerve[正中神经]
•ulnar nerve[尺神经]
•radial nerve[桡神经]
•femoral nerve[股神经]
•ischiatic nerve[坐骨神经]
•common peroneal nerve[腓总神经]
•cranial nerve[颅(脑)神经]
•olfactory nerve[嗅神经]
•optic nerve[视神经]
•oculomotor nerve[动眼神经]
•trochlear nerve[滑车神经]
•trigeminal verve[三叉神经]
•abducent nerve[展神经]
•facial nerve[面神经]
•vestibulocochlear nerve[前庭蜗神经]
•glossopharyngeal nerve[舌咽神经]
•vagus nerve[迷走神经]
•accessary nerve[副神经]
•hypoglossal nerve[舌下神经]
•autonomic nervous system[自主神经]
•vegetative nervous system[植物神经]
•sympathetic nerve[交感神经]
•parasympathetic nerve[副交感神经]
•spinal cord[脊髓]
•encephalon (brain)[脑]
•brain stem[脑干]
•medulla oblongata[延髓]
•pons [脑桥]
•cerebral cortex[大脑皮质]
•corpus striatum[纹状体]
•internal capsule[内囊]
•spinothalamic tract[皮质脊髓束]
•medial lemniscus[内侧丘系]
•lateral lemniscus[外侧丘系]
•spinal lemniscus[脊髓丘系]
•trigeminal lemniscus[三叉丘系]
7、体表标记[Anatomic marks]
•naso-labial groove[鼻唇沟]
•suprasternal fossa[胸骨上窝]
•supraclavicular fossa[锁骨上窝]
•infraclavicular fossa[锁骨下窝]
•armpit (axillary fossa)[腋窝]
•midsternal (midian) line[胸骨中线(正中线)]
•anterior midian line[前正中线]
•parasternal line[胸骨旁线]
•midclavicular line[锁骨中线]
•mammillary (nipple, milk) line[乳线]
•posterior (mid-, anterior) axillary line[腋后(中,前)线]
•scapular line[肩胛线]
•midspinal line[脊柱中线]
•dorsomedian line[后正中线]
•linea paravertebralis [脊椎旁线]
•the left (right) upper abdomen (quadrant)[左(右)上腹]
•the middle abdomen[中腹部]
•the lower abdomen[下腹部]
•linea pararectalis[腹直肌旁线]
•anterior superior spine[髂前上棘]
•symphysis pubis (symphysion)[耻骨联合]
•ischial tuberosity[坐骨结节]
•groin (inguen)[腹股沟]
•popliteal fossa[腘窝]
•upper extremity(limb)[上肢]
•lower extremity(limb)[下肢]
•posterior superior spine[髂后上嵴]
•anterior (dorsal) part of chest(前(后)胸部)
•scapular region[肩胛区]
•anterior (posterior) fontanelle[前(后)囱]
Blood Circulation 血液循环系统
Principal Veins And Arteries主要静脉和动脉
internal jugular vein颈内静脉
external jugular vein颈外静脉
subciavian vein锁骨下静脉
axillary vein腋静脉
arch of aorta主动脉弓
cephalic vein头静脉
basilic vein贵要静脉
pulmonary artery肺动脉
renal vein肾静脉
renal artery肾动脉
superior mesenteric artery肠系膜上动脉
femoral vein股静脉
abdominal aorta腹主动脉
internal iliac artery骼内动脉
great saphenous vein大隐静脉
common carotid artery颈总动脉
subclavian artery锁骨下动脉
sperior vena cava上腔静脉
axillary artery腋动脉
brachial artery肱动脉
pulmonary vein肺静脉
portal vein门静脉
inferior vena cava下腔静脉
superior mesenteric vein肠系膜上静脉
common iliac artery骼总动脉
femoral artery股动脉
anterior tibial artery胫前动脉
dorsal artery of foot足背动脉
arch of foot artery足动脉弓
The circulatory system mainly is composed by the heart with the blood vessel, function including _ The oxygen delivers from the lung to the organization, the carbon dioxide delivers from the organization to the lung, discharges in vitro The stomach absorbs the nutrient transportation to organizes The metabolite delivers to kidney Adjustment body temperature Ships the hormone and so on to adjust the cell function cardiac output how many, reflected the bodily metabolism the standard, the cardiac output and the movement intensity presents the ratio, may blood liquid volume which sends out by each time the palpitation, while by each minute palpitation number. When peaceful when each minute approximately liter cardiac output, intense movement, the cardiac output may raise to when each minute 20 liter about movements in vivo metabolism standard, usually increases the several fold to be more than to ten several folds, these increase metabolism standards, must have the enough blood circulation, transports the enough blood stream, carries the enough oxygen quantity, can cater to the organization the need. Movement training regarding circulatory system effect, including: The increase heart volume with every time jumps the output, the increase moves pipes contains the oxygen difference, reduces peaceful and must time the biggest movement palpitation rate, the increase biggest cardiac output, the additional unit area tiny blood pipes , the increase blood quantity and the red blood cell number and so on .