
2024-12-25 23:19:39

You should spend some reasonable time on the appropriate rest and exercises.
2.总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都要健康,受到了良好的教育。(in general)
In general, the children are healthier than the past, and have been a good education.
3.待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along)
He will catch with the appreciate opportunities as they come along.
4.每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。(set aside)
Everyday he will set aside some time for the family together, to enjoy life.
5.我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand)
I remember those dark streets and the scene that I was walking hand in hand with my father.
6.他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to)
He finally did not live up to the expectations of his parents.
说明一下 live up to 是不辜负的意思 题目是辜负了 所以要加not
7.相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast)
In contrast, our fuel consumption significantly increased.
Through the efforts, he succeeded in overcoming his own Achilles heel.

1.由于紧急情况,这位医生几小时内都没有空。(because of)
Because of the emergency situation, these doctors will not be free in a few hours.
How will tax affect low-income people?
3.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴。(in the long run )
My mother always told me; in the long run I will be very glad that I did not give up on practicing the piano.
4.这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等。(range from ...to...)
The prices of these books are different ranged from 10 dollars to 20 dollars.
5.在我看来你没有什么选择。( it seems to me that )
It seems to me that you have no choice.
The job they’ve given was done very well in consideration of lacking of experiences.
7.对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修所需的钱。(take into consideration)
Although for such a big building was quite cheap, you should take the fixing cost into the consideration.
8 我们能否从讨论上次会议产生的问题开始?(arise from)
Can we begin to discuss with the problems arisen from last meeting?

He underwent a big heart operation few years ago.
We estimate that the completion of this work will take a week.
I loved photographing in the past, but I have no time to engage in any of the hobbies now.
4.你可以爱一个人而不一定要跟他结婚。(not necessarily)
You can love a person but not necessarily to marry him.
5.恐怖分子才用暴力手段以达到他们的政治目的。(resort to )
The terrorists resort to some violence to achieve their political purposes.
6他说他下午会呆在办公室里,以便万一你要见他。(in case)
He said he would stay in his office, just in case you want to meet him.
7.科学家已确定了造成畸形发育的基因。(identify ,abnormal)
Scientists have identified genes that cause abnormal development.
These examples demonstrate how poor that some students have written on their resume.

He always behaved badly whenever his aunt came for the visit.
We would never finish the task on time if without your help.
I warned him of not to go to the east coast because there were visitors everywhere.
4.东西便宜并不见得质量就低劣。(not necessarily)]
Staffs with lower prices are not necessarily to have the low qualities.
5.如果没有人可以求教,就难以做出恰当的选择。(turn to)]
It's hard to make a proper choice if there was no one to ask.
6.他用音乐表现了他失去妻子的悲痛。(find expression in)
He found expression in music over the tragic death of his wife
7. 只有Peter去参加晚会她才会去。(only if)
She will go to the party only if Peter attended.
8.我只能把这次经历比作一场噩梦。(compare.. to.. nightmare)
I can only compare this experience to a nightmare.
I didn't expect staging a script would involve such work
2.最重要的不是你所说的,而是你所做的。(...not what ...but what...)
The most important thing is not what you’ve said but what you’ve done.
3.在这样的情况下,这个结果是所能期待的最好的。(in such circumstances)
In such circumstance, this result is the best what we can expect.
4.你不是第一次处于这种情形。(find oneself...)
This is not the first time to find yourself in such situation.
5 这个困难促使我动脑筋找出答案。(challenge)
This difficulty challenges me to use my brains to find out the answers.
6 将要出现的新的威胁是失业。(on the horizon, unemployment)
Unemployment is the new thread on the horizon.
7 我们有不同的方法表达同样的想法。(alternative)
We have alternative ways to express the same thoughts
8 他喝酒的老毛病又犯了。(slip into)
He slipped into drinking again.

1.我趁今天天气好打网球去了。(take advantage of)
I took an advantage of today's great weather to play tennis
2 你甚至可以在湖里游泳——如果你想去的话。(feel inclined to)
You can even swim in the lake, if you feel inclined to.
3.巨大的音乐声使它又感到一阵头痛。(bring on)
The loud noise from the music brings on his headache again.
4.粗心的人易犯错误。(be apt to)
The careless person is apart to the mistake.
5.这项实验发现了一种治疗癌症的方法。(result in)
This experiment resulted in a way to treat cancer.
6. 相比而言,我们更关心工作效率和产品开发。(be concernet with)
In contrast, we are connected with the efficiency of work and the product development.
Doctors said that the operation would induce a heart attack.
I was qualified as a doctor from London University 30 years ago.

1. 第一个人 你有点太势利了吧? 人家急着要帮忙 你却只知道钱 请问您有没有点爱心呢?
2. 第二个人 我知道你非常的厉害 可你也不用一直贬低别人来体现自己有多么的强吧? 再说了 我没怎么看出来你到底有多有本事 起码第三个人 我知道她是在用心的帮忙翻译 好与坏都无所谓了 因为她尽力了 要的是那份爱心 而你呢?你从头到尾有没有翻译过一个词?没有吧?既然这样你又有什么权力在这批评别人呢?是 你的分数比我们的都高 那又怎么样啦?你也一样是个普通人 为什么第3个朋友那么冤 还要在这听你说一些打击他的话呢?你知道这样很伤人心吗? 我想你不知道 要不然你怎么会做出这样的事呢? 我本来不想在这说你什么的 但是我感觉如果我今天不说你 以后还会有很多朋友在这无缘无故的被你说一些伤人心的话。 对不起,我也有可能伤了你的心 但是我感觉我没有做错 因为是你不对在先,我只是用什么方法来回报什么人 有可能你今天不懂我说的话 感觉我有病 但我告诉你 等以后 你一定会吃亏的 如果你不该的话 (如果你不服我说你的话 你可以把这篇文章翻译出来 大家看看么 看看你到底有多厉害 要不然就别再那指指点点的 好像你有多了不起)
3. 第三个朋友 就像我上面说的 我能明白你已经非常用心的在翻译了 能翻译到这种程度已经不错了 你也不是专业的 再说了 我们也不是外国人 就算外国人比我们英文好可不代表他们的中文也比我们的好 我感觉你已经很不错了 呵呵 我还有借鉴你的句子哦 加油! 不要被某些小人吓怕了 你是最棒的 要有自信!
4. 其他的我也不想多说啦 是不是翻译软件弄出来的自己知道就好了 不用说得太明白了 但是我希望你(们)能读一下题 可以吗? 不是不懂中文吧? 问题已经明确地指出了“不要用翻译软件哦!”这还不够清楚?如果要用翻译软件的话 那题主根本不用来这 他可以自己查
5. 最后 我想祝这位问问题的朋友能够考一个理想的成绩


1.You should need some reasonable time to have a rest and do some exercises.
2.In general, children need to be healthy and accept the better education at any time.
3.He can catch any chances as they come along.
4.He sets aside a little of time to spend with his family and enjoy the life.
5.He remembered those scene which he was hand in hand with his father at those dark streets.
6.In contrast, the amounts of fuel we spend has increased.
7.He overcame his deadly disadvantages successfully after his big effort.

1.These doctors was not free at all in these hours because of some emergency.
2.How the tax affects the people with low-income?
3.My mother always told me that I would happy that I never gave up praticing the piano in the long run.
4.These books' price are range from 10 dollar to 20 dollar.
5.It seems to me that you have no choice.
6.The job they given was done very well in consideration of lacking of experience.
7.Although such a big building was quite cheap, you should take the fixing cost into the consideration.
8.Can we discuss the problem arisen from last meeting?

1.He underwent a big heart operation few years ago.
2.I estimate that this work will be done in a week.
3.I loved photographing in the past and I spend no time on any hobbies now.
4.You can love a person but not marry with him necessarily.
5.The terrorists resort to some violence to achieve their political purposes.
6.He said he would stay in the office in case you want to see him.
7.The scientists have identified the gene which causes the abnormal embryo.
8.These examples demonstrate how bad of the resumes to some students.

1.He always behaved badly as the time his aunt came for the visit.
2.We would never finish the task on time if without your helps.
3.I warned him of not to go to the east coast because there were visitors everywhere.
4.Staffs with lower prices are not necessarily to the low qualities.
5.It's hard to make a proper choice if there were no people turn to help.
6.His sorrow of losing his wife found expression in music.
7.She will go for the party only if Peter is there.
8.I only compare this experience to nightmare.

1.I never though that a script would involve such of works.
2.It is not important what you say but what you do.
3.In such circumstance, this result is the best what we expect.
4.It's not the first time to find yourself such situation.
5.This difficulty challenges me to find the answer.
6.Unemployment is the new thread on the horizon.
7.We have alternative ways to express the same thoughts.
8.He slipped into drinking again.

1.We should take advantage of the good weather ot play tennis.
2.You even can swim in the lake---if you feel inclined to.
3.The noise from the music bring on his headache again.
4.The careless person is apart to the mistake.
5.This experiment resulted in a kind of therapy for healing of cancer.
6.In contrast, we are connect with the efficiency of works and developments of producions.
7.Doctors said that the operation would induce the break-out of heart-disease.
8.I was qualified as a doctor from the London University 30 years ago.
终于翻译完了... 不难但是很多,呵呵。


FEIGE_MINGE - 经理 四级 翻译的可以当改错了

几乎没一句完全对的 还净出低级错误

有的地方简直是狗屁不通 初中生会犯这样的错误么?

should need ?

children need to be healthy ?

doctors was ?单数?

if without ?

How the tax affects ? does 会用不?


机器翻译的? 不对 机器翻译的哪儿这么S币?。。。。




1. You should spend more time on the appropriate rest and exercise. (reasonable)

2. Overall, the children than in the past at any time in the health, has been a good education. (in general)

3. To be an appropriate opportunity, he will be able to seize. (come along)

4. Every day he set aside time with the family together, to enjoy life. (set aside)

5. I remember those dark streets and walk hand in hand with his father the scene. (hand in hand)

6. He was finally live up to the expectations of parents. (live up to)

7. In contrast, our fuel consumption significantly increased. (in contrast)

8. Through the efforts, he succeeded in overcoming their own Achilles heel. (overcome)


1. As the emergency situation, the doctor did not free a few hours. (because of)

2. Tax will affect low-income people? (Affect)

3. My mother always told me, in the long run I will be very glad that I did not give up practicing the piano. (in the long run)

4. These books of prices from 10 U.S. dollars to 20 dollars. (range from ... to ...)

5. In my view you have no choice. (It seems to me that)

6. Take into account their lack of experience, the work they have done quite well. (give)

7. For such a big house, this very cheap price, but you have to consider maintenance money. (take into consideration)

8 whether we can switch from the last meeting to discuss issues arising from the beginning? (Arise from)


1. A few years ago he moved the heart of a major operation. (undergo)

2. We estimate that the completion of this work will take a week. (estimate)

3. I used to love photography, but I have no time to engage in any of the hobby. (purse)

4. You can love a person and not necessarily with him to marry. (not necessarily)

5. Terrorists have used violent means to achieve their political goals. (resort to)

6 pm He said he would stay in office for just in case you want to see him. (in case)

7. Scientists have identified genes that cause abnormal development. (identify, abnormal)

8. These examples show some students how poor written curriculum vitae. (demonstrate, resume)


1. Whenever visiting his aunt, he always has performed poorly. (behave)

2. If your help, we will not complete the task on time. (if)

3. I would advise him to go to the East Coast, where there were tourists. (warn. .. of)

4. Things cheaper and the quality is not necessarily inferior. (not necessarily)]

5. If no one can seek, it will be difficult to make appropriate choice. (turn to)]

6. He used his musical expression of grief losing his wife. (find expression in)

7. Only Peter to attend the evening, she will go. (only if)

8. I can only regard this experience than to make a nightmare. (compare.. to .. nightmare)


1. I did not expect that there staged a script needs so much work. (involve)

2. The most important thing is not what you say, but you do. (... not what ... but what ...)

3. In such circumstances, the result is best to look the best. (in such circumstances)

4. You is not the first time in such a situation. (find oneself ...)

5 The difficulties prompted me to use their brains to find the answers. (challenge)

6 will be the emergence of new threats to the unemployed. (on the horizon, unemployment)

7 we have different ways to express the same idea. (alternative)

8 drinking老毛病he also committed. (slip into)


1. I take advantage of good weather today went to play tennis. (take advantage of)

2 You can even swim in the lake - if you want to go, then. (feel inclined to)

3. Great music it also felt a headache. (bring on)

4. Careless people pitfalls. (be apt to)

5. The experiment found a way to treat cancer. (result in)

6. In contrast, we are more concerned about the efficiency and product development. (be concernet with)

7. The doctor said the operation will cause a heart attack. (induce)

8.30 years ago, I was a doctor from the University of London qualifications. (qualify)