
2025-03-06 22:58:58

食品安全问题是当今社会中个人和政府的都高度关注的问题。本文从中国食品安全涉及的三个经济利益体政府、企业和个人为 主要研究对象进行分析我国安全现状和相关研究进行分析,得出综合三个经济利益体相关博弈均衡的结论并给出相关建议。
Food safety problems in today's society is the individual and the government's high attention. This paper from China's food safety involves the economic interests of the three body of the government, enterprises and individuals as the main research object is analyzed present situation of our country and related research were analyzed, and concluded that integrated the economic interests of the three body related game equilibrium conclusions and Suggestions is given.