
2025-03-07 02:04:40


Is this your homework or you really like to hear people talk?
Well, since I like these topics so much. I will just make- believe that you enjoy hear people talk.Ok?
1.Friends----"Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on
For it won't be long till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on..."This is one of my favorite English songs.Everytime I hear this song, I would think about friends near me,friends far away, friends I have known since my childhood, and friends I have never seen.A simple hello everyday, a warm season greeting, a word of comfort when I am down, a big helping hand when I am most in need, a piece of advice when I lose directions ...Friends , friends, everywhere.I just wish I could have more time to chat with my frinends.I could chat with them days and nights. I wish I could sit in a nice and quiet coffee shop with my friends,sipping, talking,laughing,crying or simply looking at each other without saying anything.I wish I could do more to repay what my friends have done to me. I wish I could have a chance to visit all my net friends.I don't know what my world would be like without friends.
2.Hometown----I was brought up in a small town in the south of China.When I was little, I always thought that my hometown was the biggest town in the whole world, because there were so many fun places: a movie theatre, a park, a swimming pool, a market place, a library. To me that was more than enough. It never occurred to me that the day I got on the train bound for a new life journey was a train of no return. All these years I often think about this little town with my eyes closed. I often see it in my dreams. I want to go home!
3. My dream---honestly speaking, I am not an ambitious person. I don't have big dreams. When I was little, I just dreamed of working in a movie theater where I could see many many movies. I had never dreamed of becoming a school teacher, dealing with kids everyday. Luckily it turns out that it is a job I like best. You may ask what dream I would have for the future? Well, I just dream of keeping my present life as it is: caring and healthy parents,a loving husband,cute and smart kids,a nice and rewarding job and many many bosoms friends.What else do I need? Nothing.
4.I enjoy reading a lot.Of course I will select all those books that will appeal to me like romance novels,children's literature, biographies or autobiographies of famous people and many those inspirational books that give life lessons like Chicken soup series. My favorite autobiography is Katharine Graham's Personal History, winner of the Pulitzer prize.Katharine Graham was the woman who piloted the Washington Post through the crises of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate after her husband committed suicide. She was a woman of courage,candor and dignity. I just admire her!



