《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百七十四条 敲诈勒索公私财物,数额较大的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;数额巨大或者有其他严重情节的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。
First, law link
"People's Republic of China Criminal Law," the 274th article of extortion of public and private property, the larger the amount, to three years imprisonment, criminal detention or control; a huge amount, or any other serious cases, three have a period of more than 10 years Years in prison.
[Edit this paragraph] Second, the concept and its components
The crime of extortion, refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of the victims of the threat or use of the method of coercion, force asked for public and private property.
(A) the object of the Elements
Of the crime of violation of the body is a complicated object, not only violations of the public and private property ownership, but also endanger other people's personal rights or other rights and interests. This is a crime and theft, fraud significantly different characteristics. Violations of this crime will be targeted at public and private property.
(B) an objective element
Objective in this crime have demonstrated for the perpetrator used threats, blackmail, intimidation and other means to force the victim to hand over property.
Threat is the evil in order to harm the victim with a circular action to force property, that is, if we do not act in accordance with the request of property disposition, in the future will be a bad time to suffer harm. A threat to no restrictions on the types of content, including relatives of the victims and their lives, freedom of the body, such as the reputation of the threat, a threat sufficient to act as long as other people have to fear, so that the reality does not require the victim had a heart amount of fear. The threat is people will act to achieve their own or other people will not realize ask, is not a threat to the realization of the contents of the request itself is against the law, for example, the perpetrator was aware of other people's crimes and the judiciary to information is legitimate, but The perpetrator to the judiciary to information obtained from the rib-wai for the property, but also the establishment of the crime of extortion. The method does not limit the threat, not only may be expressed or implied may be; can in order to use language can also use motion gestures; can notice a direct victim, or through a third party notice of the victim. The results of the threat, is to have a fear of the victim, and then head to protect the greater interests of their own actions and its own large amounts of property, and obtaining property by the perpetrator. Disposition of property of the victim, the victim is not limited to direct delivery of property, it could be because the actors fear the acquiescence of obtaining property, but also is a special relationship between the victim and the victim based on the property of a third party action means the delivery of the property. Acts of extortion were relatively small amounts of public and private property, no crime to be punished.