
2025-02-17 23:44:43


  --DotA v6.57更新日志--

  * 更改了-sd模式英雄的选择机制。现在三位英雄将在能量圈里以图标的方式供玩家选择。
  * 修正改进了大量关于地图语言兼容性的问题
  * 为中国玩家修正了作用于魔兽争霸三1.20e版本下的一些游戏bug
  * 大大降低了游戏的CPU占用
  * 能量圈现在有6个物品栏,拥有的物品被技能所替代,玩家不能拾取非自身购买的物品。
  * 更改了购物后物品掉落的位置。购物时如果周围没有单位,物品将出现在玩家的能量圈里
  * 降低了薄葬的冷却时间(90/70/50/30->80/60/40/20)
  * 增加打掉能量齿轮的奖励
  * 降低了发条地精的智力成长(1.7->1.3)
  * 增加了发射钩爪技能的魔法量 (125->150)
  * 增加了月蚀技能的冷却时间(140->160/150/140)
  * 现在月骑死后月蚀将不再继续释放,月光间隔从0.5秒增至0.6秒
  * 降低了风行者的三技能风行者冷却时间(65/50/35/20->30/25/20/15)
  * 降低了船长普罗德摩尔的初始智力 (18->16)
  * 降低了船长普罗德摩尔的智力成长(2.2->1.5)
  * 削弱了地图标记的持续时间(2/3/4/5秒持续时间, 60/50/40/30 cd, 115魔耗 --> 1/2/3/4秒冷却时间,30 cd,80/90/100/110魔耗)
  * 增加了船长普罗德摩尔手动地图标记的魔耗
  * 增加了船长普罗德摩尔幽灵船的魔耗(150->150/200/250)
  * 全能骑士的初始移动速度下降5
  * 增加了暗影萨满的初始力量(16->19)
  * 增加了狂热光环的作用范围 (300-500)
  * 改进了黑暗贤者的施法前摇
  * 略微增加了黑暗贤者的复制之墙持续时间
  * 降低了地卜师低级地之突袭的伤害加成(15->4/8/12/16)
  * 改进了束缚击的角度和范围
  * 略微增加了束缚击的持续时间和冷却时间(0.5, 1.4/2.1/2.8/3.5, 14 -> 0.75, 1.5/2.25/3/3.75, 10)
  * 降低了暗影萨满大招群蛇守卫的冷却时间(恒定120秒变为100/80/60秒)
  * 降低了鬼影重重分身的伤害(50%-> 40%)
  * 鬼影现在出现在对方身前后,与攻击对方之间有1秒的延迟
  * 降低了元素分离的魔耗和冷却时间
  * 增强了神灵武士的大招牺牲
  * 改进了鱼人守卫的施法前摇
  * 重做了巫毒回复术的作用机制
  * 略微增强了强化浮雕(冷却时间从6分钟减少到5分钟)
  * 小鸡现在花费200金
  * 改进了精神体的攻击类型
  * 调低了精灵狼的生命值(400/500/600/700 -> 400/475/550/625)
  * 降低了狼人和精灵狼2点的初始护甲
  * 增加了白牛技能神行太保的作用范围(300->500)
  * 命令光环的范围从300增至450
  * 增加了雷霆一击的作用范围
  * 无光之盾的生命值从100/125/150/175增加至110/140/170/200
  * 跳刀的冷却时间从15秒增加至18秒
  * 每位选手在游戏开始时就拥有一个能量圈。
  * 现在-disablehelp命令可以令队友船长的地图地标对自己无效
  * 修正了靠近天灾野区中心一些关于树林的布局问题
  * 略微调整了天灾上路的防御塔位置(往回推了一点与近卫上路相对应)
  * 你的能量圈会看起来比队友的更明显
  * 恢复了小地图以前的设置,由于不同联赛模式下的问题
  * 改进了Roshan新技能重击的数值(在上个版本中代替了投石技能)
  * 将强化浮雕从道具商人移到你的能量圈技能中,以此来防止敌军的一些滥用
  * 现在-disablehelp命令可以让光法大招对你的召唤无效
  * 加入了一些新的英雄声音到-quote命令(食人魔魔法师、哥布林工程师、兽王和熊猫酒仙),如果你随机选择英雄声音,它会告诉你编号
  * 改变了光明游侠的人物音效
  * 修正了天灾远古野区的拉野范围
  * 修正了关于多个meepo用复活盾复活的视角问题
  * 修正了记分板的消耗品计数
  * 修正了静电场伤害略高于显示数值的问题
  * 当CD正在减少时,bkb在使用后可以丢弃
  * 修正了关于-sc的文本显示
  * 修正了一个相位靴和精灵龙相位移动的bug
  * 相位靴的使用不会触发最后遗言
  * 修正了近卫下路小怪路径
  * 在dm模式中英雄无法买活
  * 修正-cm模式中,reload后,裁判记分板消失的问题
  * 修正一些在dm模式中英雄复活的相关问题(在-dm中,不是-dmap或者-dmar)
  * 显影之尘将会显示冷却时间
  * 消除了关于狂战士怒吼和丢弃物品的相关bug
  * 修正关于小鸟使用显影之尘的问题
  * 修正rd模式中 英雄选择结束后,选择区域对于天灾方显示为以探索的bug
  * 修正在正常模式中,无法从黄昏酒馆repick的问题
  * 修正关于灵能陷阱数量的问题
  * 修正在-test模式中 防御塔被击毁的相关问题
  * 修正复活盾在meepo的副体上的魔法值问题
  * 修正一些关于船长视觉效果的bug
  * 修正假腿和精气光环的bug
  * 修正一些关于熊猫分身的bug
  * 修正相位靴的相关bug
  * 跳刀在cd中无法丢弃
  * 修正关于小鸟丢弃物品和复活盾的bug
  * 修正在某些模式里面 受攻击仍然能使用跳刀的bug
  * 修正光明游侠在-sd或-ai中的出现问题
  * 修正流星雨和折射之间的问题
  * 修正关于熊猫分身圈选的问题
  * 修正光明游侠和移动命令的问题
  * 相位靴不在驱散静默诅咒
  * 修正X标记对熊猫酒仙大招元素分离造成的bug
  * 修正在-sc模式中 超级兵被卡住的bug
  * 修正一个最近发现的-courier中的bug
  * 修改了洪流的状态图标
  * 在-gameinfo里增加了-cm模式的信息
  * 修正在roshan附近可以在神秘商店买东西的问题
  * 修改了关于拉框圈选时能量圈与商店优先选择的问题


* Lots of fixes and improvements to the translation capacity of the map
* Fixed a few Warcraft 1.20e specific bugs for Chinese community
* Some performance improvements (more coming in the near future)
* Your Circle of Power now has 6 inventory slots. The items it has are now abilities instead. You cannot pickup items that you don't own with Circle of Power

* Items drop on top of your Circle of Power if a unit is not there instead of making a big pile in the center

* Improved Shallow Grave cooldown
* Increased the bounty on Power Cogs a little bit
* Decreased Clockwerk's Intelligence gain slightly
* Increased Hookshot manacost from 125 to 150
* Scaled the cooldown on Eclipse from 140 seconds for all levels to 160/150/140 seconds
* Eclipse no longer continues after death, Beam interval is increased from 0.5 to 0.6 seconds
* Improved Windrunner cooldown
* Lowered Admiral Proudmoore's base Intelligence and intelligence gain
* Decreased X Marks The Spot duration
* Added manacost to manual return ability of X Marks The Spot
* Increased Ghost Ship's manacost
* Lowered Omniknight's base movement speed by 5
* Increased Rhasta's base strength
* Improved AOE on Fervor
* Improved Dark Seer's cast animation point
* Increased length of Wall of Replica slightly
* Lowered bonus damage per second on early levels of Geostrike
* Tweaks to Shackleshot angle and area check mechanism
* Slightly improved Shackleshot duration and cd
* Improved Mass Serpent Wards' cooldown
* Reduced Haunt Illusions' damage from 50% to 40%
* Haunt now has a 1 second delay during which they fade in before the images start attacking the targets
* Improved Thunder Clap AOE
* Improve Primal Split's manacost and cooldown scaling per level
* Improved Life Break
* Improved Slardar's Cast Point
* Increased Command Aura's AOE
* Reworked Voodoo Restoration stats
* Minor improvements to Glyph of Fortification
稍微增强Glyph of Fortification(给塔加防的那个玩意)
* Courier now costs 200 gold
* Improved Eidolons damage type progression
* Lowered Lycan's Wolves Hitpoints
* Lowered base armor on Lycan and his wolves by 2
* Increased Empowering Haste's AOE
* Improved Aphotic Shield's life from 100/125/150/175 to 110/140/170/200
增加无光之盾的生命 100/125/150/175->110/140/170/200
* Increased Kelen's Dagger cooldown from 15 to 18


* Circle of Power is now selected for each player at the start of the game
* Added disablehelp for X Marks the Spot
* Fixed some issues with the tree layout near the center scourge neutral camp
* Slight adjustment of top scourge tower position
* Your Circle of Power is more visible than your allies'
* Undid the previous minimap change due to concerns from different leagues
* Tweaked the bash values on Roshan
* Moved Glyph of Fortification from an item to an ability on your Circle of Power to prevent some abuses possible by the enemy
* Added Disablehelp for Keeper of the Light's Recall
* Added new hero sounds to -quote (Ogre Magi, Techies, Blademaster, Panda) and it now also tells you which number it played if u randomed with it
* Changed Windrunner's soundset

* Adjusted neutral pullability area for the Scourge ancients a bit
* Fixed camera movement issues when multiple Meepos respawn with Aegis of Immortal
* Fixed scoreboard consumables count
* Fixed static field doing a small amount more than what the tooltip says
* Fixed BKB being droppable after use when it's duration is decreasing
* Fixed the text display in -sc
* Fixed a bug with Phase Boots and Puck's Phase
* Fixed Phase Boots triggering Last Word
* Fixed some issues with the creep pathing on the bottom Sentinel wave
* Fixed a bug in Death Match that allows you to rebuy the same hero again
* Fixed Observer Board not showing up from a reloaded game in -cm
* Fixed hero respawn issues in regular dm (not dmap or dmar)
* Fixed Dust of Appearance tooltip not showing cooldown
* Fixed an old issue with dropping items away from you while under Berserker's Call pull
* Prevented Flying Courier from using dust of appearance
* Fixed an issue with Dawn Tavern being disabled when repicking in normal mode
* Fixed the RD spot not being marked as unexplored for scourge players after the draft phase
* Fixed a rare bug with Psionic Trap count limit not being enforced
* Fixed a test game only bug that caused the tower deaths to not register properly in single player
* Fixed a bug with Aegis of Immortal not setting proper mana on Meepo clones
* Fixed some performance related bugs with Admiral Proudmoore
* Fixed a bug with Power Treads and Essence Aura
* Fixed some minor bugs with the manabase on Primal Split's level 1 and 2 Earth
* Fixed Sange sell cost
* Fixed some minor issues with Phase Boots
* Fixed Kelen's Dagger being undroppable for the same old cooldown values
* Fixed Windrunner not appearing in -sd or -ai
* Fixed a Drop Items bug with courier and Aegis of Immortal
* Fixed a bug in some game modes where Kelen's Dagger had a small chance to not register properly and get disabled on incoming damage
* Fixed some rare bugs with the combination of Dispersion and Starfall
* Fixed some group selection inconsistencies with Primal Split units
* Fixed Windrunner to not cancel your movement command
* Fixed Phase Boots from canceling Curse of the Silent
* Fixed a bug with X Marks The Spot and Primal Split
* Fixed some issues with super creeps (in -sc) getting stuck
* Fixed Shackleshot and Nature's Guise to work on Sprout trees
* Fixed a recent bug with the -courier command
* Fixed Torrent buff icon
* Added -cm to -gameinfo
* Fixed being able to buy from secret shop from the area above Roshan
* Fixed some group selection priority issues with Circle of Power and the shops