1--Yes, I did.It was about 3 or 4 years ago when I was a middle school student. You know at that time I just wanted to find some one who could play badminton with me. But because I was a little bit shy and not so confident , I wrote a letter and decided to send it to one of my schoolmates the next day. Yet,the next day came, in the morning ,we arrived at the same playground,
and he/she invited me to play badminton first!,So the letter wasn't sent out.
2-Generally, friendship is a helpful relationship between two persons who share the same habbits and interests.Maybe he/she is one of your schoolmates and you often play together, or just someone whom you had worked with for some time and spent a period of happy time, later you keep in touch with each other,share happiness and sorrow,life experience . etc.
Yes, I used to have a letter which was not sent to the recipient. It was a wrongly edited email. And its data is in disorder. I finally decided to keep it so that it would not bother the recipient. I hope that I had made a correct choice.
Friendship is the tight bond to connect me and my friends. It means the strong relationship that one must cherish. Whether you are rich or poor, you will help your friends however you can. And your friends will offer you heartful and helpful aids free of charge. That's how I think about friendship.