泼水节习俗英文介绍;Water-splashing festival originated in India,With the deepening influence of Buddhism in Dai area。
Water-Splashing Festival has become a national custom and has been handed down for hundreds of years。
At the festival, Dai people, men, women and children, wear Festival dresses。
while women each carry a load of clean water to wash the dust for the Buddha statue and ask for Buddha's spiritual protection。
After the "Bath Buddha" was over, people began to splash water on each other to express their blessings。
hoping to wash away diseases and disasters with holy water in exchange for a better and happy life,
The collective splash of water began,People hold water in various containers,。
gush out of streets and lanes, chase and play。
and splash when they meet people,Elegant ones dip branches in water。
"Flowers blossom, Dai Jiawang" and "splashing wet, happy life"!
The symbols of auspiciousness,happiness and health are blooming in the air. People are sprinkled with laughter。
and their whole body is soaked with joy,At night, the village drums and music,。
people indulge in singing and dancing。
extraordinary liveliness. Throughout the festival。
in addition to traditional recreational activities such as dragon boat racing, lifting, lighting holes。
splashing water and losing bags,there are also new activities such as cockfighting, ballooning。
garden party and material exchange。
Dai and Wa men and women in Yunnan ethnic villages also wore costumes to celebrate 。
the Water-Splashing Festival with tourists。
翻译;泼水节源于印度,随着佛教在傣族地区影响的加深,泼水节成为一种民族习俗流传下来,已经有数百年的历史了。 到了节日,傣族男女老少穿上节日盛装,而妇女们则各挑一担清水为佛像洗尘,求佛灵保佑。
Water-splashing Festival is the most characteristics festival of the Dai ethnic . It is the New Year festival in Dai calendar in the period of June 6 to July 6。 It is said that there was a devil in Xishuangbanna many years ago, he is the public scourge. Devil's head rolled to here and there, where the fire broke out。 Only until girls held to it ,it will be put out. Girls shift every year and in very shift, the girl was given water to wash blood ,land on her feet, show gratitude and pay tribute. Devil's head was finally reduced to ashes, and people keep the habitude as a festival。 People worship Buddha on this day, girls welcome home for the Buddha as splashing water on them, and then water on each other to express good wish. At first they use hands and bowl, then later use pots and barrels, while singing songs。 During Water Splashing Festival, people paddle dragon boats , let rise, flying lights and perform a variety of recreational activities such as traditional song and dance show 。 泼水节是傣族最富民族特色的节日。泼水节是傣历的新年,节期在六月六日至七月六日之间。相传,西双版纳曾有一个混世魔王,为民害。魔王的头颅,滚到那里,那里就起火,只有姑娘抱住它,才能熄灭。姑娘们轮流值班,一年换一次。每逢换班时,人们都给姑娘泼水,用以冲洗血迹,逢凶化吉,表演感激,并致敬意。魔王的头终于化为灰烬,除旧布新的泼水节也由此成为习俗。 泼水节这一天人们要拜佛,姑娘们用漂着鲜花的清水为佛洗尘,然后彼此泼水嬉戏,相互祝愿。起初用手和碗泼水,后来便用盆和桶,边泼边歌。泼水节期间,还要举行赛龙船、放高升、放飞灯等传 统娱乐活动和各种歌舞晚会。
难的我给你翻译出来了 Water-Splashing Festival(泼水节) The Water-Splashing Festival(泼水节), New Year's Day by Dai calendar(傣族历法), will be celebrated(庆祝) in the Jinghong City Proper between April 12 and 18. The grandest festival(最盛大的节日) of the Dai is usually held(举行) along with activities(活动) such as dragon-boat racing(龙舟赛), sending off skyrockets(流星焰火), and throwing love pouches(抛绣球). It is believed that everyone being splashed at will have good luck(好运).