Sub 保存数据_单击()
Dim irow As Integer '计行数
Dim icol As Integer '计列数
Dim kk As Integer
kk = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("录入表")
.Unprotect 1234 '解除工作表保护
For i = 4 To 37
For j = 3 To 7
If .Cells(i, j) = "" And i <> 20 Then '如果单元格为空
.Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 '设置底色为红色
kk = kk + 1
End If
For j = 10 To 14
If .Cells(i, j) = "" And i <> 20 Then '如果单元格为空
.Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 '设置底色为红色
kk = kk + 1
End If
End With
If kk > 0 Then
MsgBox "红色单元格内数据漏填!"
Exit Sub
End If
Set lrb = Sheets("录入表")
Set Glb1 = Sheets("过录表1")
Set Glb2 = Sheets("过录表2")
Glb1.Range("A5").Value = lrb.Range("A3").Value '传递表编号
Glb2.Range("A5").Value = lrb.Range("A3").Value
icol = 2
For irow = 4 To 19
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 3), Cells(irow, 7)).Copy Glb1.Cells(5, icol) '将录入表中第irow数据写入过录表1中第5行(左半边)
Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 5) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb1.Range(Glb1.Cells(5, icol), Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 4))) '每行数据后的汇总数据
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 10), Cells(irow, 14)).Copy Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 96) '将录入表中第irow数据写入过录表1中第5行(右半边)
Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 101) = Application.Sum(Glb1.Range(Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 96), Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 100)))
icol = icol + 6
icol = 194
For irow = 21 To 27
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 3), Cells(irow, 7)).Copy Glb1.Cells(5, icol) ''第r行数据,复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 5) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb1.Range(Glb1.Cells(5, icol), Glb1.Cells(5, icol + 4)))
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 10), Cells(irow, 14)).Copy Glb2.Cells(5, icol - 132) ''第r行数据,复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
Glb2.Cells(5, icol - 127) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb2.Range(Glb2.Cells(5, icol - 132), Glb2.Cells(5, icol - 128)))
icol = icol + 6
Next irow
icol = 2
For irow = 28 To 36
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 3), Cells(irow, 7)).Copy Glb2.Cells(5, icol) ''第r行数据,复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 5) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb2.Range(Glb2.Cells(5, icol), Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 4)))
lrb.Range(Cells(irow, 10), Cells(irow, 14)).Copy Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 102) ''第r行数据,复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 107) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb2.Range(Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 102), Glb2.Cells(5, icol + 106)))
icol = icol + 6
Next irow
Glb2.Cells(5, 127).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
lrb.Range(Cells(37, 3), Cells(37, 7)).Copy Glb2.Cells(5, 56) ''第r行数据,复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
Glb2.Cells(5, 61) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Glb2.Range(Glb2.Cells(5, 56), Glb2.Cells(5, 60)))
With Glb1 '第五行数据
.Range("A5:IA5").Offset(1, 0).Insert '在第五行下增加一行
.Range("A5:IA5").Copy .Range("A6:IA6") '复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
.Range("A5:IA5").ClearContents '清除第五行数据
End With
With Glb2 '第五行数据
.Range("A5:FA5").Offset(1, 0).Insert '在第五行下增加一行
.Range("A5:FA5").Copy .Range("A6:FA6") '复制第五行数据,粘贴到第六行
.Range("A5:FA5").ClearContents '清除第五行数据
End With
lrb.Range("A3").Value = Glb1.Range("A6").Value + 1
lrb.Range("H3").Value = Glb1.Range("A6").Value + 1 '过录表标号为A6单元格数值加1,赋值给录入表编号
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private ctl As CommandBarButton
Sub DelSht()
Set ctl = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847)
ctl.OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.MyDelSht"
End Sub
Sub ResSht()
End Sub
Sub MyDelSht()
If VBA.UCase$(ActiveSheet.CodeName) = "SHEET2" Then
MsgBox "禁止删除" & ActiveSheet.Name & "工作表!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
If Sh.CodeName = "Sheet2" Then Call DelSht Else Call ResSht
End Sub