My cousin will do some part-time jobs on weekends or holidays when he is in college.
Part-time work can not only make my cousin get a certain amount of money, but also make him make some necessary preparations for entering the society after graduation.
Counseling middle school students requires great patience for my cousin. More than 20 students often ask my cousin various questions, and my cousin must maintain a good order in class and answer the questions they don't understand one by one.
This can help my cousin become a more patient person, and also make him do things more orderly, and build a solemn and dignified posture.
If my cousin wants to be a teacher, a part-time job in a tutoring center can help him accumulate a lot of experience.
大学生兼职的好处和坏处英语作文 关于大学生兼职的好处和坏处的英语作文
大学生兼职的好处和坏处(Students Taking Part-time Job Good or Bad)
Students Taking Part-time Job Good or Bad
Some people think that college students should do part-time job while they study. They think college students will be a member of the society soon, they need to get a real sense of how the society runs. It’s to say doing part-time job may be a good way. Because part-time jobs not only give you the chance to show your ability, but also bring you a useful experience to your furure.
By contrast, other people believe that doing part-time job is harmful to the students. They believe to be a student, study will always be in the first place, taking part-time job will reduce students’ study time. And outside’s colorful world may change those students and make them not like to study quietly on the campus.
In my opinion, students must learn to face the outside world, either it’s good or bad. Because students will graduate sooner or later, since college students will be a member of the society, they need to learn about it, of course. Being a student, study is very important, but only you take part-time job, you can know what is needed to learn. So I believe if one spend his time wisely, he will do well in both study and part-time job.
Flexibility is the key advantage of part-time jobs. Because they work less than a full-time day, they still have time to attend school, recover from an illness, care for family members, volunteer at worthy causes or work at another job for extra income. Those working less than half a day have the choice to work mornings, afternoons or evenings in establishments with longer hours. During busy periods, such as around the Christmas holidays at retailers, part-timers may be called upon to work longer or full-time shifts, which increase their earnings. A worker who shares his position with others in the same job knows that if he gets sick or needs to take a vacation, others can do his work.