如果我俩角色互换,我会让你看看什么叫残忍! Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy
我会吞掉你的灵魂! I will swallow your soul!
即使是死亡,也会因为我的出场而颤抖不已! Even death trembles in my presence!
放弃吧! Give up now!
你的亲友们正在饱受折磨! Even now your loved ones suffer!
我能看见你内心的恐惧! I can see the fear in your heart!
你的灵魂将会供我驱使! Your soul will come to serve me!
我是魔鬼!不许笑! I am evil! Stop laughing!
我……还会…以你无法想象……的强大姿态…再次苏醒的 I will rise again, more powerful than you can ever imagine
看清楚了!我可不是《最终幻想》里的黑魔导士! What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain?
我闻到死亡的气息了! I smell death
是啊!哈哈哈哈哈! Yes! Hahahaha
又在祈祷了么? Stuck in prey again?
苦难与折磨在等着你呢! Suffering awaits!
魔法!它在召唤我! The magic! It calls to me!
你的命令让我厌倦!! Your commands tire me
捷径只有一条,我不是在说笑! It's only a short way and it's not a short joke
我 想要 称霸天下