谁能给我一篇写游杭州运河首届美食节河间坊小吃一条街的美食的游记???885 拜托快一点!!谢谢谢谢!

2025-03-24 04:25:16

English dialogue
A: What does need help?
B: We wanted to go to Wenzhou, will also train today?
A: Sorry! No, today's tickets have been sold out of.
B: Oh, it is really bad. Does that tomorrow is the earliest departure time?
A: 6:30 am
B: That too early, less?
A: Every 20 or 30 minutes, you want some points of departure?
B: This ah! Does it need to Wenzhou how long? Yes quick off? Fares?
A: Yes Express passengers. To Wenzhou about four and a half hours, the fare is 140 yuan
B: Well, we should about 8:00 am departure.
A: It's 8:00 can?
B: Yes
A: What should a few tickets?
B: 3. Sorry! I physically uncomfortable, motion sickness! You can buy trouble 1:00 of the front seat?
A: TU, some. Will the children and hold hands with you to?
B: Of course! He also buying?
A: There is no need. Special to buy votes
B: special vote? What is special vote?
A: Traffic: a car can only carry 10% of the free children. So must purchase special votes.
B: That the trouble to help me buy.
A: Frankly! I have a good help for you. A total of 420 yuan, would have to increase insurance?
B: Yes, please add it.
A: The total of 426 yuan.
A: You at 450 yuan. This is your ticket, find 24 yuan to gain.
B: Okay, thank you!
A: Frankly, tomorrow free waiting room on the 12th gate on the train.
B: What troubles can buy back from Wenzhou return ticket? I fear that time is unable to buy tickets.
A: I am sorry. Return to buy votes here, you must go back to Hangzhou, Wenzhou purchase tickets
B: Oh, that! What if we can not catch up with the frequency of a frequency can be done?
A: Sorry! Not, can only do this frequency, it must refund late, and only half of a good retirement money, please do not late.
B: Yes, thank you for reminding
A: bluntly