
2025-03-10 00:31:50

不知你的这个例句出自何处?相信不会出自好的英语教材,因为讲英语的人大概不会写出这种句子。建议改成:After finishing the test, we began our holiday.
或者 Having finished the test, we began our holiday.
或者 Now that the test was over, we began our holiday.

The job has to be done by ourselves. (被动式。语法结构 by...... )
This is a done deal, you can't change it anymore.(形容词。-ed + 名词)
The test is already finished, you can now do nothing about it. (形容词,作表语。表状态)
The test was finished just in time. But John didn't want to leave the classroom. (被动式。尽管没有用 by,两个句子联系起来看,从语义上不难判断出是 John finished the test.)

你上面的例句如果改成 Since the test was finished,we could begin our holiday 就很好了。句子通顺,语义明确。而且,此句中的 finished 既可以被看作是被动式的分词,也可以看做是作表语的形容词。