as we know,english is very important.but how to get our english advanced?i think that speaking is the first stair to study english.don't scare to do it,you should be confident.also grammer is uesful,but some students think it's boring.there is a way to solve that problem.thinking you will be a good translator in the future and can communicate well with foreigners.then you can do well in learing english.
firstly,learning a language can help us to know more about that country and it can help us to make more foreign friends ,it's important for our futures .
secondly,learning another language is helpful to find a good job ,if you know more languages than others ,it will be a great advantage for you to seek a good job.
thirdly ,when learning a language ,determination and sweats must be will help you to strengthen your will and make you to be a successful person in the future.