About Self-Study...
Self-study is a normal part of all effective organizations. It has a special role in the life of college and university communities going through processes of accreditation and program review. While self-study is ideally ongoing, it takes on special meaning during an accreditation process. At this point a variety of special resources are usually devoted to self-study, and a particular effort is made to involve all parts of the university community, from trustees and faculty to support staff and students. No single source of data is used for self-study as it must examine issues of learning and university life from a variety of perspectives. Special efforts are also made to ensure the integrity of the process because a study that fails to reveal the true character of an institution may be meaningless. Toward the end of the process, a team of experts from other institutions visits to examine the institution and its self-study report.
As many poeple say,life willl be nothing without failures and frustrations.But we should not be ashamed of our difficulties.
When it comes to the diffficulties in the English study,fist and foremost,we should face it realistically and accept it optimistically.If we care to study the cause of the diffculties,and find some ways to solveit,we`llhave fun in the English study.
Firstly,we should try to solve the problems by ourselves.Then if we still haven`t made it,we can trrn to our teachers and classmates.Thus ,we can seek out the answers more effitiently.Furthermore ,we must habe the confidencee to solve the problems