艾萨克·牛顿简介 艾萨克·牛顿[1],Isaac newton(1643年1月4日—1727年3月20日)是英国伟大的数学家、物理学家、天文学家和自然哲学家,同时他也是一个神学爱好者,晚年曾着力研究神学。1643年1月4日生于英格兰林肯郡格兰瑟姆附近的沃尔索普村,1727年3月20日在伦敦病逝。
备注:牛顿是儒略历1642年12月25日 即格里历(阳历)1643年1月4日 所以正确的出生日期是1月4号Isaac Newton introduction to Isaac Newton [1], Isaac Newton (four-year-old jan. 4-1727 on March 20th) is the greatest mathematician and physicist, astronomers and natural philosophers, while he is also a theological studies have put in lover, theology. Four-year-old on January 4, was born in England lincolnshire near grantham of wal-mart thorpe village, on March 20, died in London.
Newton 1661, university of Cambridge, UK, into the holy trinity college in 1665, bachelor of arts degree. Two years later in my hometown avoid plague. These two years, he formulated the life most important scientific and create the blueprint. Cambridge in 1667 back after elected at trinity college courtyard, the committee with a master's degree. Responsible in 1669 by professor until 1701. Lucas, In 1696 as the royal mint supervision, and moved to London. Tsar British royal association. By the queen Anna conferment 1706. He spent his last years concentrates on natural philosophy and theology.
Newton in science is the most outstanding contributions to create the calculus and classical mechanics.
Note: Newton's Julian calendar in 1642, December 25th Gregorian (Gregorian calendar) four-year-old on January 4, so the correct birth date is January 4