since在本句中作连词,引起的是一个原因状语从句,意思是"因为⋯",它连接environmental protection…community 和its impact will…one of us. and 连接We are living in the world with common interest 和它后面的句子。这是一个并列复合句。
您好,We are living in a world
with common interest, and since environmental protection exerts remarkable
influence to our shared communtiy, its impact will inevitably extend to
each one of us.
第一句:We are living in a world with common interest.
第二句:(Since environmental protection exerts remarkable influence to our shared community), its impact will inevitably extend to each of us.【括号部分为从句结构】
所以句子是(第一句)+ and + (第二句);也就是整个句子是一个(并列句),而并列的(第二句)中夹带了一个由 since 引导的(原因状语从句),(第二句)的主句是 its impact will inevitably extend to each one of us.
We are living in a world with common interest,and since environmental protection exerts remarkable influence to our shared community,its impact will inevitably extend to each one of us.
since在本句中作连词,引起的是一个原因状语从句,意思是"因为⋯",它连接environmental protection…community 和its impact will…one of us. and 连接We are living in the world with common interest 和它后面的句子。这是一个并列复合句。
since 由于,连词。
its 并列,略带递进
这不叫“一个完整的句子”,与中文比较,这其实是“一句话”——改变中文式英语,一句话里面是可以有 多个(完整的)句子的,更何况 since与its(它的)是缘由解说(因果)关系呢。