万物皆虚 万事皆允 前面那个是拉丁文,毕竟是当初十字军东征时期的组织,历史上也真的有ASSASIN这个组织,你可以去百度上查。
The wisdom of our Creed is revealed through these words.We work in the dark ,to serve the light. We are assasins.Nothing is true,Everything is permitted.
When other men blindly follow the truth,remember——Nothing is ture.
When other men are limited by of laws,remember——Everything is permitted.
We work in the dark and serve the lights,we are assassins.
想知道意思的话 试试看切英语字幕 就有原文了
好久没打AC了 不知道可不可以
万物皆虚 万事皆允? nothing is ture and everything is permitted? 很久之前玩的 忘了