中译英 ,在线等 ,急急急~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

2025-01-04 11:19:07

My IELTS score is 5.5(five point five), but the lowest score required by unconditional offer is 6.May i apply the presessional course of Language course?

That is to say, could i get the unconditional offer and learn my course and language at the same time?

Could i have the opportunity to have the language course?

PS: 一般来说,总分差0.5分可以补10周语言课,单项差0.5要补5周语言课


The IELTS score required by my unconditional offer is 6.0; but unfortunately, my current score is 5.5. In that case, I was wondering whether I could apply for a presessional course of lanaguage course.

That is, whether I could obtain an unconditional offer with an IELTS score of 5.5, and then learn language and take academic course at the same time.

I was also wondering whether I still had the opportunity to have the language course now.


To be eligible for an unconditional offer, the IELTS result must be 6. Butmy result is 5.5 . Can I apply to attend the language pre-sessional [professional???] course?
What I am saying is: With my 5.5 result I could obtain the unconditional offer to study for the degree (diploma???) course and attend the language class simultaneously ?
Have I any chance to attend the language class?