Leonardo Dicaprio is the man who gradually conquers as he ages.
One should look no further than his masterpieces such as IMDb7.1 for《Titanic》, IMDb 8.0 for《Blood Diamond》, IMDb8.5 for《The Departed》,IMDb8.6 for《Django Unchained》,and IMDb8.8 for《Inception》.
What do they mean? Everthing!
This is the splendid journey of Leo - from who he was to who he is!
Gain everything without a perfect look:Leonardo DiCaprio
I won't say anything:"Titanic" IMDb7.1, "blood diamond" IMDb8.0, "the departed" IMDb8.5, "liberated" Jiang Ge IMDb8.6, "Inception" IMDb8.8.
what does it mean?It means everything. This is the Li before and the Li now.
有了容颜拥有了一切:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 我什么都不说:《泰坦尼克号》IMDb7.1,《血钻》IMDb8.0,《无间道风云》IMDb8.5,《被解放的姜戈》IMDb8.6,《盗梦空间》IMDb8.8. 这代表什么?这代表一切。这就是从前的小李和现在的小李
Have the face to have it all: I said nothing to Leonardo Dicaprio: "Titanic" IMDb7.1, "blood diamond" IMDb8.0, "the departed" IMDb8.5, "liberated" Jiang Ge IMDb8.6, "Inception" IMDb8.8. what does this mean? This represents everything. This is the old Xiao Li and Xiao Li now
No face to have it all: I said nothing to Leonardo Dicaprio: "Titanic" IMDb7.1, "blood diamond" IMDb8.0, "the departed" IMDb8.5, "liberated" Jiang Ge IMDb8.6, "Inception" IMDb8.8. what does this mean? This represents everything. This is the old Xiao Li and Xiao Li now
Lost appearance but have it all:Leonardo DiCaprio I shall say nothing