★2002 CH5—凤凰血 with Bee CCTV8 当年引进 可是风风火火滴★2003主演三部剧集 目前无中字 就不罗列了★2004 CH5—�2�2�2�2�2�3...�2�2�2�5�2�3�2�5�2�7�2�9�2�9�2�7�2�4(with Lookhead Methinee) CH5—美人计Leh Ratree 饰演Pooh(with Mod Kalaya) ★2005 CH9—Ruk Paed Pun Kao(with Bee) CH5—爱恨情仇Leh Pummared 饰演Pummared(with Pim) 中字★2006 CH9—邻居密友Neung Mid Chid Kai又名《Rebound to Love》Season 1 饰演Nai(with Pang) CH5—Anin Tita(with Namfon)★2007 CH9—邻居密友Season 2(with Pang) CH5—嫉妒的深海Taley Rissaya 饰演Pat(with Bee) 中字全出 主题曲不错听 CH5—爱的陷阱(with Mam) 中字★2008 CH5—天使之争Song Kram Nang Fah 饰 Ning(with Bee) 中字全出 CH5—无忧花开Ngao Asoke 饰 Monthai(with Peung) 中字全出 PPS上么有全出滴 你要去网页上或者字幕组官网上找 很喜欢这部片子的主题曲 光与影 Gam the star唱滴 ★2009 CH7—黑色幽默Dum Kum 饰 Tuthiya(with Tangmo) 超级搞笑的片子 可惜翻译组就翻到了一半 CH5—丘比特的圈套Buang Ruk Gammatep 饰 Puhbordee(with Bee) 中字全出 CH5—明天我依然爱你Proong Nee Ghor Ruk Tue 饰 Poramin(with Aom) 中字全出
编辑本段作品列表 ★2002 纳瓦·君拉纳拉影视作品(20张) CH5—凤凰血Luerd Hong 饰演拉辛(with Bee) ★2003 CH5—Por Gai Jae Kub Mae Toon Hua(with Toon Hirunyatrub) CH7—Nai Ruean Jai(with Pok Piyathida) CH5—被践踏的爱Ruk Nai Roy Kaen(with Nat Evitra) ★2004 CH5—�2�2�2�2�2�3...�2�2�2�5�2�3�2�5�2�7�2�9�2�9�2�7�2�4(with Lookhead Methinee) CH5—美人计Leh Ratree 饰演Pooh(with Mod Kalaya) ★2005 CH9—Ruk Paed Pun Kao(with Bee) CH5—爱恨情仇Leh Pummared 饰演Pummared(with Pim) ★2006 CH9—邻居密友Neung Mid Chid Kai又名《Rebound to Love》Season 1 饰演Nai(with Pang) CH5—Anin Tita(with Namfon) ★2007 CH9—邻 居密友Season 2(with Pang) CH5—嫉妒的深海Taley Rissaya 饰演Pat(with Bee) CH5—爱的陷阱(with Mam) ★2008 CH5—天使之争Song Kram Nang Fah 饰演浩宁Ning(with Bee) CH5—无忧花开Ngao Asoke 饰演蒙泰Monthai(with Peung) ★2009 CH7—黑色幽默Dum Kum 饰演Tuthiya(with Tangmo) CH5—丘比特的圈套Buang Ruk Gammatep 饰演普巴迪Puhbordee(with Bee) CH5—明天我依然爱你Proong Nee Ghor Ruk Tue 饰演博乐明Poramin(with Aom) ★2010 CH5—情义两心知(两个心愿)Song Pradtana(with Paula Taylor) 《明天我依然爱你》剧照(16张) CH7—Ka Khong Kon(with Noon) CH5—毒爱Pidswat(with Bee)