
2025-02-22 23:10:07

这是Eminem的原话 :"You don't know where to begin when you lose somebody who's been such a big part of your life for so long. Proof and I were brothers. He pushed me to become who I am. Without Proof's guidance and encouragement there would have been a Marshall Mathers, but probably not an Eminem and certainly never a Slim Shady. Not a day will go by without his spirit and influence around us all. He will be missed as a friend, father and both the heart and ambassador of Detroit hip-hop.

Right now, there's a lot of people focusing on the way he died. I want to remember the way he lived. Proof was funny, he was smart, he was charming. He inspired everyone around him. He can never, ever be replaced. He was, and always will be, my best friend."


大致是说Proof在阿姆的成长中起了很关键的作用,如果没有他就没有现在的slim shady或者eminem,而只是一个平庸的marshall mathers。他是底特律说唱的先行者。(都是一些大家都知道说的话)


玩拿的谁没个仇家 杀proof 的说proof曾枪啥过他的朋友 他给他朋友报仇