
2024-11-24 05:22:15

我们居住的星球——地球,是我们赖以生存的家园,因此从有人类的那一天这个星球就令人敬畏,受人敬仰,无论被当时的人叫做什么,人类对地球的感情从未改变过。但地球在宇宙中却是一颗最普通不过的星球,甚至在太阳系都是如此。在地球存在的太阳系中,一共有九大行星,按体积计算地球排在第五位,按照距离太阳的距离地球排第三位,距离太阳的平均距离为1.5亿km,在地球内侧是水星和金星;地球的密度是5515千克每立方米,与太阳系其它行星相同的是地球在绕太阳公转的时候同时也在进行自转。因为我们居住的地球是我们最熟悉的星球,因此我们称其它八大星球为类地行星。从这个角度看我们的家园地球是颗在普通不过的星球,但为什么太阳系中只有地球上有人类居住呢? 其实在这普普通通的特性中也蕴含着不普通,正是地球自身的一些特殊性造就了地球上丰富多彩的世界。从位置角度讲,地球与太阳的距离适中,温度适宜,而且从太阳系诞生到地球上开始有原始的生命痕迹,太阳没有明显的变化,在这种稳定的光照条件下,地球上孕育生命成为了可能;另外一个方面,地球与其它行星互相之间的位置比较合理,绕日公转方向一致及公转轨道处于同一平面都决定了地球的演变不受其它行星的干扰;地球本身是一个特殊的物理化学系统,这一点也有别于太阳系其他行星,地球的体积和质量决定了地球物理化学形态的演变,同时液态水圈和氮-氧形成的大气圈,还有固体地圈的板块运动都让地球渐渐变的不再普通。 基于以上这些地球特有的特征,水在地球的地质作用力和原始大气圈的影响下开始形成原始的海洋,而生命的起源就在这片蓝色的世界中开始了


Introduction to Digital Earth
U.S. Vice President Al Gore, January 31, 1998 California Science Center in the United States delivered a speech entitled "Digital Earth: Understanding our planet in the twenty-first century approach" the official presentation of the "Digital Earth" concept.

Gore's report points out that: a new wave of technological innovation is to allow people to access, storage, processing and display of the Earth's vast data of unprecedented and wide-ranging and diverse environmental and cultural data; and most of such data is "the light of the geographical coordinates", that is, the geographical location of data on the Earth's surface by reference to a specific location; and now the difficulty lies in how to take full advantage of these vast data, which is how these data become meaningful, that is, to raw data into comprehensible information. Today, we often find a lot of data, but I do not know how to deal with. One example can illustrate this point. Satellite is designed to help human beings we understand the global environment, it will be in two weeks filming the Earth's surface again, the United States continued to collect image data for more than two decades of history; but the vast majority of these images is still quiet lying electronic data warehouses. As the United States for a period of time over the past agricultural policy, on the one hand, the production of food was piled up in the Midwest rotten food warehouse, on the other hand there are millions of people were starved to death. Now, it is greed and a thirst for knowledge, and a lot of information while it is idle, no one is interested.

