《NBA爆灌王》《NBA爆灌王》在2010年11月17日全球上市,将推出Xbox 360版和PlayStation 3版,不仅包括公布过的三种模式,而是以完整丰富的游戏内容呈现,更首度以高画质呈现这款经典游戏,还将提供在线游戏机制。
Center 中锋 [1]
Power Forward 大前锋
Small Forward 小前锋
Shooting Guard 得分后卫
Point Guard 控球后卫
Frontline 前锋球员(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋)
Backcourt 后卫组合(包括控球后卫及得分后卫)
One-guard 控球后卫
Two-guard 得分后卫
Swingman 可兼任多个位置之球员
Starter 正选球员(个人)
Starting lineup 正选球员(球队)
Backup 后备球员
Bench (指全体)后备(替换,支援)球员
Bench player(指个人)后备(替换,支援)球员/板凳球员
MVP (most valuable player)最有价值球员
Sixth man 第六人
Rookie 新秀球员
Sophomore 第二年打NBA球员
Veteran 资深球员
Head Coach 总教练(主帅)
Assistant Coach 助教
Trainer 球队训练员
General Manager 球队总经理
Mascot 球队吉祥物
2、投射方式 Action
double pump拉杆式投篮
make the basket(score a basket) 投球得分
layup 上篮
driving to the hoop带球上篮
reverse lay-up 反手上篮
finger roll 挑篮
slam dunk 强力入樽(灌篮,扣篮)
monster dunk 疯狂入樽(灌篮,扣篮)
reverse dunk 反手入樽(灌篮,扣篮)
following dunk 跟进入樽补篮(另加进攻篮板一个)
tip shot 补篮(另加进攻篮板一个)
jump shot 跳射投球
bank shot 擦篮板
hook shot 钩手射球
sky hook 天钩(Jabbar's)
fade away 后仰式投射 (Jordan's)
run and gun 边走边射(Nash's)
three-point play 投进2分球后因被犯规得到罚球再罚进一分
four-point play 投进3分球后因被犯规得到罚球再罚进一分
perimeter shot 中距离投射
set shot 座地炮投射 立定投篮原地投篮
three-point shot (shoot behind the arc) 三分投射球
That is when Musburger changed the language of sports forever when he kept repeating this ignorant notion that any basketball player firing off a long 3-point shot is shooting from "downtown." (Celtics announcer Johnny Most might have coined the "downtown" trademark in the 1960s, but it was Musburger who beat it to death.) I still hear in my dreams his wild gibberish every time Michael Cooper or Dennis Johnson drilled one of those long flat-line 3-pointers. "From way downtown!" Brent would scream. "Another one from Downtown!" It drove me mad then -- & it still does every time some fool blurts it out. It was quickly picked up and adopted by a whole generation of half-bright TV commentators every night of the bloody season. It has become part of the Lexicon now, & it will not be easy to correct. In gyms & Coliseums all over America (even in Greece or Korea), wherever basketball as we know it is played, there will be some howling Jackass braying, "From way downtown! Another 3-pointer! Is this a great country, or what?"
from downtown意思从市区投过来,形容远