. 詹姆斯告诉偷腊肠的儿子“只是因为生活艰难,你没有理由去拿不属于你的东西。”《铁拳男人》
“No point in punching things you can't see。” Cinderella Man (2005) - James Braddock (Russell Crowe)
1Attaboy! Keep him busy!
2One. Jesus.
3Two. You got it.
4Three. He ain't getting up!
5Four, five, six...
6seven, eight, nine, ten.
8Come here, Jimmy.Get that sleeping beauty out of here!
10That's ten in a row, Jimmy! Ten!
11By a knockout, at one minute 46 seconds in the second round...
12tonight's light heavyweight winner...
13from the great state of New Jersey...
14the Bulldog of Bergen, James J. Braddock!
15You're gonna be the next champ, Jimmy!
16Hey, how you doing?
17Just give them a few. Leave them wanting.
18You want to sign my name for me, too?
19At least then they can read it.
20You gave him a cold meat party.