
说下电视编辑的具体工作、任务、(要具体点的) 谢谢!
2025-02-27 01:41:15

电视编辑概述编辑本段电视节目录制组的重要成员.其职能范围,国内外悬殊颇大,国内各电视录制单位也不尽相同.英、美等国“编辑”,指的是在录像片中,专门从事剪辑工作的人.在中国,是指电视片的编辑,其含义很大程度上有如出版社的图书编辑.往往集选题拟定、采访、拍摄现场指挥、解说词编写、镜头剪辑于一身,其工作贯串于电视片制作的全过程,对整个电视片的录制负责,确切地说电视编辑的职责是将电视记者采访的录像加以编辑,并编写解说词,完成后期制作. TV shows recorded an important member of group. Its function, a significant disparity between domestic and foreign, domestic TV recording units are also different. Britain, the United States and other countries "Edit", refers to the video, dedicated people who work in editing . In China, television is the editor of its meaning to a large extent like a book publishing house editor. are often topics of collection development, interviewing, filming on-site command and commentary writing, editing on a camera, runs through their work on the TV the whole process of film production, recording is responsible for the entire TV series, specifically TV editor's role is to be television reporters to edit video and prepare commentary to complete post-production.