Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.
Internet enables person-to-person communication is closer, faster. Ancient, live in Dongguan of you wanted to wrote to Beijing of relatives, that will to letter climb mountain wading with horse sent past, less is a months, more is a years; in modern, you can playing calls, but price expensive, also cannot transfer file or pictures; now, has has Internet, we can through QQ, and E-mail, way with distance of relatives communication, with United States of customer contact, chat a hours is just spent 1 Yuan around, and also can with video phone, people and people Zhijian of distance on became increasingly near has. However, the Internet also has a lot of bad places, it transformed, becomes best weapons to criminals. Criminals use the Internet to this vast and virtual world, to carry out criminal activities. They dressed in protective clothing of the Internet so that people can see their ugly heart. Newspapers often reported "QQ cheated on a woman was killed in XX", this is a hard fact. In addition, there are many "hacker", they spread the virus everywhere, so that greatly reduced the speed of the Internet, seriously blocked the Internet highway. More abominable is some unscrupulous Web sites on the Internet pictures, words such as pornography, violence, serious harm to people's hearts. In today's society, the Internet gives us a limitless expanse of land, in this land growing on you and friends and do not make this land abandoned, let it work out great fruit!