一是以预防为主,把好进货关。积极宣传普及食品卫生安全知识,提高师生安全防范意识和自救能力;严把校园食堂、小店食品进货关,从源头上切实加强校园食品卫生日常安全管理,及时发现和消除隐患。One is the prevention, were the good. Positive popularizing safety knowledge, enhance teacher-student safety awareness and self-rescue ability; Strictly the campus cafeteria, store food were from the source conscientiously strengthen the campus food hygiene daily safety management, the timely discovery and eliminate hidden dangers. 二是健全制度,依法管理。建立完善校园食品卫生安全事故的预防、报告、控制和救治等制度,严格执行食品卫生管理等相关法律法规依法管理,一旦发现意外事故,立即启动应急处理组织指挥系统,分管领导要在第一时间亲临现场,了解事故情况,立即采取处理对策,并及时向各级领导报告有关情况。对在预防、处置食品卫生安全突发事故中和善后处理工作中玩忽职守者,以及其他不利于预防和处置工作者,视其情况和危害后果轻重,追究责任。2 it is the perfect system, legal management. Establishing and perfecting the campus safety accident prevention, report, control and treatment system, strictly enforce the food hygiene management management according to the relevant laws and regulations, once found accident, immediately start the emergency treatment organization, responsible for the command system in the first time to be a leader, understanding the accident attendants, take immediate treatment countermeasures, and timely, report the relevant situations to the leaders at all levels. In the prevention and treatment of food hygiene safety accident and rehabilitation treatment work those who neglect their duties, and other detrimental to prevention and treatment, depending on its condition and workers in weight, the harmful consequences responsibility. 三是分工明确,责任到人。实行学校分管领导负责制,切实加强校园食品卫生安全的巡视、督促、检查力度。并建立健全奖惩制度。对在预防、处置校园食品卫生安全突发事故中和善后处理工作中表现突出者给予表彰和奖励。Three is a clear division of work, individual responsibility. Implement the school is in charge of the leadership responsibility system, strengthen the campus food hygiene security patrol, urged, inspection. And establish and perfect the system of rewards and punishments. In the prevention and treatment of campus safety accident and rehabilitation treatment work using the expression in give commend and reward. 四是以人为本,快速反应。建立预警和快速反应机制,强化人力、物力、财力储备。一旦出现校园食品卫生安全事件,要在第一时间快速反应、及时报告、及时准确处置,把损失减低到最少程度。Four people-oriented, and rapid response. The establishment of early warning and rapid response mechanism, strengthen the human, material and financial resources reserves. Once appear campus food hygiene security incident, will for the first time rapid response and timely report, timely and accurate down to the loss disposal, minimum degree.