
2025-03-11 08:32:25

第一句中有一个错误,hunt for应该改成find,这是一个比较容易犯的错误。你要表达的意思是”找到一个好工作“,hunt/look for表达的是过程,find表达的是结果,此处当然要用结果。
第二句中也有错,但不是purpose,此处用purpose和 purposes都可以。而是后面的only for job应该改成only for jobs或者only for a job,最好用后面那个,意思比较准确。
第三句也有错。we should more the pursuit of truth! should后面怎么能够直接加一个名词短语呢?!应该改成we should pursue more of the truth!还有关于标点符号,最好改成In my opinion,we should pursue more of the truth, not only for the scholarship or job!因为两个句子是有联系的。


Nowadays, there are many people 【with→wild about / keen on, 热衷于】 a variety of Certificate Craze.The main reason is that they want to 【hunt for→find / get】 a good job!
Although they have 【a variety of Certificate Craze→it / the craze, 这两句是连着的话就太重复了】,they have different 【purpose→purposes】.some for the scholarship ,and 【other people→the others】 only for 【job→jobs】!
In my opinion,we should 【more→pay more attention on】 the pursuit of truth(本句子没有动词,或改为we should pursuit more of the truth)! Not only for the scholarship or 【job→jobs】! Certainly,we should not ignore them!(最后两句:, not only for the scholarship or jobs which we should certainly not ignore.)



JOB-----JOBS more the pursuit of truth------pursuit the truth more 请及时采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!有木有要求要改几处啦啦啦~~~