你好!你要的打电话时,你对着话筒说的话变成电波传输出去了。从电话线上传出去的信号,有一部分又反馈回来, 反馈回来的声音比原先的声音延迟一了点点时间, 形成了电话中的回声现象。打市内电话时,由于距离很近,而电波传播的速度很快,反馈回来的声音延迟的时间很短, 人们感觉不出回声现象。 打国际长途电话就不同了,因为电话线长, 有些还通过同步通信卫星的传递,反馈的声音就很明显, 打电话的双方就会受到回声的干扰。为了消除这种现象,专家们研制了回声抑制器。翻译如下:
When you call, you said into the phone words into wave transmission out. Outgoing signal from the telephone line, a part of feedback, feedback back sound delay a little time than the original sound, form echoes the phone. For calls inside the city, due to the close distance, and wave propagation speed is very quick, feedback back sound delay time is very short, people feel not echo phenomenon. To make an international call is different, because the telephone line, some also pass through the synchronous communication satellite, feedback sound is very obvious, both sides will be called Echo interference. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, experts developed the echo suppressor.
When you are on the phone,the words you speak into the microphone is transmitted out in electirc wave way. Some part of the signal transmitted though the telephone line is feeded back, The feeded back voice is delayed a little bit more time than the original voice,which forms a phone echo phenomenon . when you make local call , The time for the feeded back invoice being delaying is very short because the distance is very short and the wave transmission speed is very quick so people will feel no echo phenomenon . Yet it is different to make international long distance calls because the phone line is long, and some have to pass through the synchronous communications satellite ,voice feedback is very obvious so the two sides on the phone would be interfered by the echo . In order to eliminate this phenomenon , experts developed the echo suppressor.