
2025-03-24 05:02:05


典型的丹麦菜包括猪肉丸(Frikadeller)、水煮鳕鱼配芥末酱(Kogt Torsk)、脆皮烤猪肉(Flaeskesteg)、马铃薯炖牛肉(Hvid Labskovs),以及牛肉汉堡配洋葱(Hakkeboef),还有一种冷食自助餐(Koldt Bord),菜色有鲱鱼、沙拉、各式冷肉片和乳酪。




①注重 讲究菜肴香、脆,注意菜肴多样质精;

②口味 一般不喜太咸,爱微酸带甜味;

③主食 以面食为主,爱吃面包等食品;

④副食 爱吃鱼类、鸡、鸭、蛋类、猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、冻肉、感肉、奶酪等;蔬菜喜欢土豆、西红柿、葱头、洋白菜等;调料爱用丁香、莞荽子、番茄酱、醋、糖等;

⑤制法 对凉拌、炒、烤、炸、烧等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱;

⑥中餐 喜爱中国的粤菜;

⑦菜谱 很欣赏冷拼盘、茄汁煎鸭腿、脆炸肉丸、滑蛋牛肉、杏仁水鱼、果汁鱼块、脆皮鸡、干烧大虾、玉兰炒肉丝、草菇鱼片汤等风味菜肴;

⑧水酒 喜欢喝啤酒;爱喝桔子汁、矿泉水、酸牛奶、咖啡、可可;也乐于品尝香片花茶;

⑨果品 爱吃柑、桔、苹果、葡萄等;干果爱吃杏仁、葡萄干等。

Denmark sandwiches (Smoerrebroed) is a representative of the Danish food, which is a open sandwiches, from the most simple to the complex are like sculpture.
The world-famous "Denmark cakes" (Danish), in Denmark called Wienerbroed, almost every street corner has a bakery display is drooling many different types.

Typical dishes include pork pill Denmark (Frikadeller), boiled cod with mustard sauce (Kogt Torsk), Cuipi roast pork (Flaeskesteg), potato beef stew (Hvid Labskovs), as well as beef hamburger with onions (Hakkeboef) There is also a cold buffet (Koldt Bord), a herring dish, salad, all kinds of cold meat and cheese.

Denmark's Carlsberg and Dubai are two plants producing excellent beer, alcoholic beverages purchased the statutory minimum age is 18 years.

Denmark profound feelings of people on the bread, they can be produced from various types of single, double and multi-folder more than 700 kinds of bread, "Andersen" bread named after the folder won the people's preference. If you will floors respectively folder-bacon, tomato films, Ganni sauce, water, such as radish film, it really worthy claim meal meal they like to eat duck Jushi mix block, as is usually said they Yandaocai banquet at the "grand finale infants" cuisine; habit of eating Western food, Chinese food is quite interested.

Denmark in the diet habit, has the following characteristics:

① focus on stress-dishes, crisp, attention to the diversity of fine cuisine;

② tastes generally do not like salty, sweet love Weisuan belt;

③ staple mainly to pasta, bread, and other favorite foods;

④ favorite dish of fish, chickens, ducks, eggs, pork, beef, mutton and frozen meat, flu meat, cheese, etc.; vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, etc.; seasoning love with cloves, coriander-Wando , tomato sauce, vinegar, sugar, etc.;

⑤ system of the cold, fried, roasted, fried, cooking methods, such as burning produced dishes preference;

⑥ lunch favorite China's Guangdong;

⑦ recipes appreciate cold height match, Jiashi fried Yatui, crisp fried meatballs, Gudan beef, fresh water turtles almonds, fruit juice Yuyue, Cuipi chicken, prawns and dry, Magnolia Chaorousi, straw mushroom fish soup dishes;

⑧ Shuijiu liked to drink beer;爱喝orange juice, mineral water, yogurt, coffee, cocoa; also pleased to scented tea tasting chewing gum chips;

⑨ favorite citrus fruit, tangerines, apples, grapes; favorite nuts almonds, raisins, etc..

