
2024-12-30 05:00:30

楼主你好,我是名外语学院的学生,看到你的问题,真是引起了我极大的兴趣。正好前几天我们老师要求我们写了篇影评,我把我的作业给你了哈 ,绝对原创,翻录必究 :Roman Holiday (罗马假日)Princess Anne is the youngest member of an unnamed European country's royal family.On a goodwill tour to Europe,her relentless schedules of offical engagements become too much and she rebels,slipping out of the royal palace in Rome and finding alternative means of excitement.Naive and child-like ,she runs into cynical reporter Joe Bradley who doesn't recognize the princess.Together,the two spend a gleeful and fun-filled day in Rome,seeing the sights,visiting Cafes and dancing until the inevitable happens and they began to fall in love.Hepburn'sinnocence and Peck,cook cyniccism,which later gives way to warmth and tenderness,make the film,elevating in above run-of-the-mill romantic comedy into something altogether more magical and poignant.The final scenes,where the two lovers realize that their relationship cannot last,are very touching.Both characters are changed for better by the experience.The princess loses her spoilt child immaturity,and Bradley gains compassion and generosity ,and during the final press conference,both euphemistically profess their love for the other in a marvelous heart-warming and bitter-sweet scene.Filmed in Rome itself,and feauring several memorable Itlian actors and actresses ,Roman Holiday is shot and directed with a great degree of sharpness and style ,with the action moving along at a cheerful and enjoyable pace.Ultimately , waht makes the film so memorable however is seeing Audrey Hepburn in a role for which she seems perfect:that of a young and beautiful princess.希望我的作业对楼主有帮助,更希望采纳我的答案。祝楼主英语学习更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O~

