Aerobic and strengthening exercises can result in weight loss when combined with a calorie-reducing diet. Without exercise, dieting can cause the loss of muscle as well as fat. An aerobic exercise regimen burns fat, while at the same time building muscle. This may mean less dramatic weight loss, but since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, the result is longer lasting. Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week can reverse years of cardio-neglect. Regular exercise strengthens the heart, resulting in more blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. At the same time, aerobic exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both major health risks for many. Physical fitness helps you look young and be healthy. It keeps your body in top shape and provides you with the energy and stamina you need to pursue all your interests. It can prolong life, and most importantly exercise will help you stay fit and trim. You can control your weight and preserve a youthful shape with regular physical exercise. You'll burn more fat and, over time, bring your body fat percentage into a healthy range. You'll also increase your muscle mass. With more muscle mass your body burns more calories both while you are exercising and while you are at rest.