The network marketing from the birth in several years, makes arrogant person's progress until now, this article has used the marketing combination the 4P principle to make the analysis to the network marketing superiority, and had pointed out it insufficiency which in aspects and so on product, expense, retailing and promotion exists. Then, the paper embarked from the individuality concept, elaborated the brand individuality meaning and the characteristic, based on this and has promulgated the network marketing personalization characteristic. The paper proposed finally on the network marketing's in brand individuality mold the rich pointed countermeasure suggested: Presents the way to have a distinctive style; Non-homogenization packing feeling; The naming is the individuality shadow; Surmounting advertisement; As well as clear localization. In brief, the network marketing's characteristic has created the extremely good opportunity for the brand personalization's mold, says using the network marketing showing brand individuality to the enterprise is the extremely good choice fully.
The network marketing is short until now from the birth several years time, obtained arrogant person's result, this article has used the marketing combination the 4P principle to make the analysis to the network marketing superiority, and had pointed out it insufficiency which in aspects and so on product, expense, retailing and promotion existed. Then, the paper embarked from the individuality concept, elaborated the brand individuality meaning and the characteristic, and has promulgated the network marketing personalization characteristic in this foundation. The paper finally proposed on the network marketing in brand individuality mold the rich pointed countermeasure suggested: Presents the way to have a distinctive style; Non-homogenization packing feeling; The naming is the individuality shadow; Surmounting advertisement; As well as clear localization. In brief, the network marketing characteristic has created the extremely good opportunity for the brand personalization mold, clear reveals the brand individuality using the network marketing to say to the enterprise is fully the extremely good choice.