这是一部讲述兄弟间骨肉情深的电影。当查理多年之后仍然耿介于父亲当年对他的教育时,父亲的去世并没有给他带来多少悲伤;相反,倒是300万美元的遗产让他为之寝食难安并欲穷尽手段。之后,他查明那些钱是留给他哥哥的。而这个哥哥他从未听说过,当然在记忆里他是以雨人(雷曼,因其发音不准读作了rain man)的形象存在的。无需否认,在最初阶段,查理丝毫没有念及兄弟之情,而是将其哥哥作为一种工具,即想获得对他的监护权,当然这种权利的背后是为了巨额遗产。而电影故事情节就是从这里展开,直到它复原了一个幼年的记忆和一份亲情故事。
Actor: Raymond Babbitt (Dustin Hoffman) Charlie Babbitt(Tom Cruise)
One of the heroes of the play is called CharlieBabbitt who is the owner of a garage. His cars can’t meet the smog emissionstandards. The buyer asked him to return their money. He was great angry aboutit.
One day he knew the death of his father, hedecided to drive for the funeral though he didn’t get on well with his father.After he knew that he just got the certain Buick convertible and rosebushes. Houseand the other property of his father’s for a beneficiary tobe named Raymond Charlie has never met is also the son of Mr. Babbitt. Charlieis very angry and wanted to get the half of the 3 million dollars because hethought he deserve it.
He found his brother in a hospital, to hissurprise that Raymond is autistic savant who a person is unable to communicateor form relationships with others. He stole Raymond out of theinstitution. At first Charlie was so inpatient with his brother about hisstrange requesting. one day he was really amazed that Raymond is mainman who a person often sang songs for him when he was a baby. Main man is hisreal friend in his childhood. Afterwards he disappeared.
Charlie found that Raymondwas a genius of counting and memorizing. So they go to the les Vegas to gambleand got lots of money.
During a few days livingtogether, Charlie wanted to take care of Raymond the rest of his life. But thedoctor said he cannot take on this responsibility without professionalguidance. The most unbelievable thing is they can makea connection. At last Raymond went back to the hospital.
I am so impressed by the connection between the brothers. The kinship is a great power in theworld.
Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeless classic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!