1、The ultimate liability of the society, will put the scientific colony in the most effective environment, in order to produce new knowledge. This, as to the whole human progress it is extremely important. At present, this, unavoidably in order to depend on the organized scientific cooperation day by day.
2、SGS certificate already got the importer, exporter, bank and any unit recognition which has been engaged in international trade from all parts of the world. Fact prove begin, offer credit and claim payment for goods, accept the goods among a lot of trade and deliver crisis of taking place, SGS notarize report the validity very much.
SGS 组的核心活动是检查和有关原料的贸易和装运监控, 石油和石化工业产品,农产品,消费品和工业设备。 这些服务使交易的迅速和有效率的实行变得容易, 增加工厂设备的安全和可靠性,并且防止交付和生产进度表的混乱。
当你在中国想起金属或者矿物质生意时,通过使用你的独立,现场的合伙人使你的危险减到最小。 SGS CSTC认出那迅速4 8:45印刷品次: 3的第1 页和准确的报告/证书是一个客户的需要的必要的部分。
后面的那些问题你后面不是有中文翻译的么?莫非你要我帮你回答问题??还是不要了吧 呵呵