Water cycle refers to water in different parts of the earth, which changes its state to another part of the earth by absorbing the energy of the sun. For example, the water on the ground is evaporated by the sun into water vapor in the air.
The state of water on the earth includes solid, liquid and gaseous. Most of the water in the earth exists in the atmosphere, ground, underground, lakes, rivers and oceans.
Water moves from one place to another through physical processes, such as evaporation, precipitation, infiltration, surface and subsurface flows. For example, water flows from rivers to the sea. The water cycle was discovered by Perot and Marriott in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Water is the process of natural process, involving global water evaporation, atmospheric moisture transmission, surface water and groundwater circulation and various forms of water storage storage. Precipitation and evaporation and runoff is the hydrologic cycle the three major link, this three constitutions of water cycle way determines the global water balance, also decides, an area of the water resources. Water evaporation is one of the most important functions of. Produced by evaporation of water into the air and over atmospheric activities and sports. Atmospheric water vapor mainly comes from the ocean, part of that is from the mainland surface evaporation. Water vapor in the atmosphere of the cycle is evaporation - condensation - precipitation and the cyclical of evaporation process. Ocean water vapor above can be transported to the land above water vapor condensation precipitation, called external precipitation, Direct condensation of water over the mainland, says its steam rainfall precipitation.
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水循环是多环节的自然过程,全球性的水循环涉及蒸发、大气水分输送、地表水和地下水循环以及多种形式的水量贮蓄。 降水、蒸发和径流是水循环过程的三个最主要环节,这三者构成的水循环途径决定着全球的水量平衡,也决定着一个地区的水资源总量。蒸发是水循环中最重要的环节之一。由蒸发产生的水汽进入大气并随大气活动而运动。大气中的水汽主要来自海洋,一部分还来自大陆表面的蒸散发。大气层中水汽的循环是蒸发-凝结-降水-蒸发的周而复始的过程。海洋上空的水汽可被输送到陆地上空凝结降水,称为外来水汽降水;大陆上空的水汽直接凝结降水,称内部水汽降水。
The process of water cycle