J.R.R Tolkien 除了《魔戒》之外还有什么作品?

2025-02-27 11:13:04



PS 大陆只翻译出版A类的1,3,4,而且翻译质量非常差,稍微了解托尔金世界的人都纷纷抵制译林出版社翻译的这些作品,但C类的前5卷可以在一些大城市找到英文版的书



A.Principal Works
1.The Hobbit
2.The Annotated Hobbit
3.The Lord of the Rings (LotR)
a)The Fellowship of the Ring (FotR)
b)The Two Towers (TTT)
c)The Return of the King (RotK)
4.The Silmarillion (Silm.)

B.Related Middle-earth Works:
1.The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
2.The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle
3.A Tolkien Compass
4.Unfinished Tales (UT)
5.Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien
6.Bilbo's Last Song. The Father Christmas Letters

C.The History of Middle-earth (HoMe) Series - Volume (I to XII)
History of Middle-Earth Index
1.The Book of Lost Tales
2.The Book of Lost Tales
3.The Lays of Beleriand
4.The Shaping of Middle-earth:
The Quenta, The Ambarkanta, and The Annals
5.The Lost Road and Other Writings:
Language and Legend Before 'The Lord of the Rings'
6.The Return of the Shadow:
7.The Treason of Isengard:
8.The War of the Ring:
9.Sauron Defeated:
10. Morgoth's Ring
11.The War of the Jewels
12. The Peoples of Middle-Earth

D.Children's Stories – Short Works
2.Mr. Bliss
3.Oliphaunt (Beastly Verse Board Book)

E.Short Works:
1.Farmer Giles of Ham
2.The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son
3.The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses From the Red Book
4.Tree and Leaf
5.The Tolkien Reader.
6.Smith of Wooton Major
7.Smith of Wooton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham
8.Poems and Stories

F.Scholarly Works:
1.Songs for Philologists
2.A Middle English Vocabulary
3.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
4.Ancrene Wisse: The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle
5.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo
6.The Old English Exodus
7.Finn and Hengest: the Fragment and the Episode
8.The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays
9.J.R.R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller: Essays in Memoriam

G.Biographical Works:
1.Tolkien: A Biography; The Inklings: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and Their Friends
2.J.R.R. Tolkien, Architect of Middle-earth
3.A Tolkien Family Album

H.Secondary Works I -- Middle-earth Lore:
1.The Atlas of Middle-earth
2.A Tolkien Bestiary
3.The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth
4.Journeys of Frodo:
An Atlas of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
5.The Complete Guide to Middle-earth

I.Secondary Works II -- Critical Works:
1.The Road to Middle-earth
2.Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World
3.Tolkien and the Silmarillion
4.Master of Middle-earth: The Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien
5.J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion
6.The Magical World of the Inklings
7.J.R.R. Tolkien: Six Decades of Criticism