
2025-03-11 01:07:14




甘肃省:Gansu is situated on the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in the northwest of china.(甘肃位于中国西北的黄河中上游。)

黑龙江省:Heilongjiang province is located in the northernmost part of northeast China.(黑龙江省位于中国东北地区的最北部。)

吉林省:Jilin province is located in the middle of northeast China, connected with liaoning, Inner Mongolia and heilongjiang, and bordered by Russia and Korea.(吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,与辽宁、内蒙古、黑龙江相连,并与俄罗斯、朝鲜接壤,地处东北亚地理中心位置。)

辽宁省:Liaoning province, located in northeast China, is bounded by latitude 38°43' to 43°26' and longitude 118°53' to 125°46'.(辽宁省位于中国东北,辽宁界于北纬38°43'至43°26',东经118°53'至125°46'之间。)

河北省:Hebei province is located in north China, bounded between 36°05 '-42°40' n latitude and 113°27 '-119°50' e longitude, encircling the capital city Beijing, and bordering tianjin and bohai sea in the east.(河北省位于中国华北地区,界于北纬36°05′-42°40′,东经113°27′-119°50′之间,环抱首都北京,东与天津毗连并紧傍渤海。)

陕西省:Shanxi province is located in the hinterland of China, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, bordering shanxi and henan in the east, and ningxia and gansu in the west.(陕西省位于中国内陆腹地,黄河中游,东邻山西、河南,西连宁夏、甘肃。)

山西省:Shanxi Province is located in north China, bounded between 34°34 '-40°44' n latitude and 110°14 '-114°33' e longitude.(山西省位于中国华北,山西界于北纬34°34′-40°44′,东经110°14′-114°33′之间。)

河南省:Henan province is located in central China, bounded by 31°23'-36°22' n latitude and 110°21'-116°39' e longitude.(河南省位于中国中部,河南界于北纬31°23'-36°22',东经110°21'-116°39'之间。)

江苏省:Jiangsu province is located in the east coast of mainland China, lying between latitude 30°45'-35°20' and longitude 116°18'-121°57'.(江苏省位于中国大陆东部沿海,江苏界于北纬30°45'-35°20',东经116°18'-121°57'之间。)

安徽省:Anhui province is located in east China, bounded by 114°54 '-119°37' east longitude and 29°41 '-34°38' north latitude.(安徽省位于中国华东,安徽界于东经114°54′-119°37′,北纬29°41′-34°38′之间。)

四川省:Sichuan province is located in the interior of southwest China, between latitude 26°03 '-34°19' and longitude 97°21 '-108°12'.(四川省位于中国西南地区内陆,界于北纬26°03′-34°19′,东经97°21′-108°12′之间。)

湖北省:Hubei province is located in central China, bordering anhui in the east and chongqing in the west.(湖北省位于中国中部地区,东邻安徽,西连重庆。)

浙江省:Zhejiang province lies in the southeast coast of China, bounded by 118°01'-123°10' east longitude and 27°02'-31°11' north latitude.(浙江省位于中国东南沿海,浙江界于东经118°01'-123°10',北纬27°02'-31°11'之间。)

福建省:Fujian province is located in the southeast coast of China, bordering zhejiang province in the northeast and jiangxi province in the northwest.(福建省位于中国东南沿海,东北与浙江省毗邻,西北与江西省接界。)



