fried... 煎...
2.deep fried... 炸(干炸)...
4.braised... 炖(烧)...
5.stewed... 闷(炖、煨)...
steam 蒸
poach 水煮
boil 煮
toast 烤(面包)
grill 烤、
braise 油炸过用温火炖
pure 煮成浓汤
broil 烧、烤
season 加调味料
panbroil 用浅锅烧烤
seasoning 调味料
fry 炸、炒
dressing 沙拉酱
bake 烤
gravy 肉
saute 用温火慢炒
appetizer 饭前菜、小菜
stew 炖、焖、红烧
entree 主菜
simmer 慢炖、煨
snack 点心、小点
stir fry 快炒、大火炒
marinate 腌、用卤泡,卤
smoke 熏
香妃鸡(steamed chicken with saltedsauce)
糖醋鸡块(chicken in sweet and sour sauce)
三杯鸡翼(chicken wings in three cups sauce)
赛海蜇拌火鸭丝(shredded roast deck with wnow fungus)
杂菜拌鸭脷(duck tongues with assorted vegetables)
卤炸乳鸽(deep-frie pigeon in spiced sauce)
蜜糖子姜鸡(honey chicken with ginger shoors)
苹果咖喱鸡(curry chicken with apple)
百花凤翼(stuffed chicken wings with shrimp paste)
香荽鸭翼(duck wings with coriander)
陈皮鸭脷(fried duck tongues with tangerine peel)
楼上的回答是错的,不是很地道。fried...煎...deep fried... 炸(干炸)...炒...braised... 炖(烧)...stewed... 闷(炖、煨)...steamed...蒸roast... 烤...
煎pan-fry 炒stir-fry用旺火炒 煮boiled 炸fried 炖stew 蒸steam 焖 braise
煎 pan-fry
炒 stir-fry
煮 boil
炸 fry
炆 stew (with slightly weak flame)
炖 stew (with weak flame)
焗 bake
烤 roast/grill
蒸 steam
煮 Boiled,
炸 fried,
炒 fried,
蒸 steamed,
焖 braised