Funshion 风行动漫频道 - 在线观看 - 高清下载 - 风行网.
u can watch and download anime at the same time, but u need to download the software first, which is EASY...
I'm noe using funshion and pps, both are good, but both need to download software (and for pps the instruction of anime catagory is not as clear as funshion, also u cant download anime with pps)
看的话 土豆 优酷 就可以了 比较全
下载的话 极影 动漫花园 或各大字幕网站 比如 诸神 恶魔 天使 SOS ……
日本动漫 土豆 奇热网(多是高清视频)
天使动漫论坛or来恶魔岛- =