求《功夫熊猫2》22分钟~27分钟 片段的英文台词

2024-12-12 20:52:07

  妈妈。 Momma
  妈,爸?是你们吗?妈!爸! Mom? Dad? is that you? Mom! Dad!  
噢,嗨,嘿嘿,儿子,你回来了。Oh hi, hey hey, son, you are back.
  宝贝,你在这里干什么? Honey, what are you doing here? 但我以为… -我们把你换了一个可爱的萝卜。 But I thought… -We replaced you, dear, with a lovely radish.萝卜? Radish? 他安静,礼貌,功夫也不错。 He is quiet, polite, and frankly does better kungfu. 等等。 Wait. 大头菜。 Radish. 心如止水。 Inner peace. 心如止水。 Inner peace. 心如止水。 Inner peace. 我在训练呢。 I'm training. 桅杆可不是个好对手。 The mast is not a worthy opponent. 我准备好了。 I'm ready. 好吧,挺认真的。 Ok. So serious. 我想我还是打桅杆比较好。 I think I prefer the mast. 对不起,我以前训练的时候经常徒手击打铁木树。 Apologize, I used to punch iron wood tree by the paws in training. 现在我什么都感觉不到。 Now I feel nothing 这可真的很酷。 That is severely cool. 再来。 Again. 那么击打铁木树这事, So this punching iron wood tree, 你花了多长时间去练。 how long did you have to do that. 20 年。-噢 20,20 年。 Twenty years. -Oh twenty, twenty years.有没有快点方法?你知道啊, 就是练到没感觉的程度。 Is there any faster way? You know until don't feel anything. 没有。除此之外… No. Besides… 我不觉得勤学苦练的方式适合你。 I don't think hard style is your thing. 阿宝。你在这里干什么? Po. Why do you really out here? 我刚刚发现我爸不是我真正的爸。 I just found out my dad isn't really my dad. 你父亲?那只鹅。 Your father? The Goose. 对你肯定打击不小。 Must have been quite a shock. 是啊。 Yea. 这事困扰你吗? And this bother you? 开什么玩笑,我们是大侠,不是吗?
  Are you kidding me? We are warriors, right? 钢一般的神经,铁一般的意志。就像你一样。 Nerves of steel, souls of Platinum. Like you. 那么铁石心肠,就什么都感觉不到了。 So hardcore, you don't feel anything. 我…你们在谈什么呢? I was ... What are you talking about? 没什么。 Nothing. 阿宝正为爸爸的事烦恼。 Po is having daddy issue. 我很幸运,我爸爸没有任何问题。 I'm so lucky, I don't have any problem with my dad. 因为我妈在我出生前就把他的头吃掉了。我不知道。 Because my mother ate his head before i was born. I don't know. 螳螂,这不是关于你的事,阿宝才是那个不知所措的人。 Mantis, it is not about you, Po is the one freaking out. 我没有不知所措。 I'm not freaking out. 阿宝。 Po. 我不知所谓。 I'm freaking in. 阿宝!-啥? Po! -what? 我们到了,宫门城。 We are here, Gongmen city. 我父亲的王位。 My father's throne. 他经常让我在旁边玩。 He always let me play here beside him. 向我保证有一天这王位会是我的。 Promising someday this throne would be mine.
