
2025-01-01 10:27:53

现在国内银行基本都不接伊朗的信用证了,他们付TT成本有很高,现在怎么收款最合适?O(∩_∩)O谢谢30%定金,余款发货前付清。 作为供应商,你可以考虑为客户做适当的考虑,但是你首先要考虑的是自己公司的利益。就是电汇,发货前全部付清,别的不能做,外贸这么难做就T/T咯,现在伊朗不太平啊,安全第一伊朗中间商客户要我们公司的company registration number and place of registration,这个可以给吗?我问他为什么要这个,他说他的客户will send the L/C letter to your company and the money also fromthis bank will go to DUBAI BANK by your company name from DUBAI willcome to your account so why need your company registration number 我跟他说伊朗的信用证银行都不接,要用TT,他说 yes of curs we will pay you T,T we just want to transfer the L.C fromthe bank to you and after we will do the payment on T,T 我问他既然是TT,为什么还要L/C,他说my costumer for change his money to U.S.D $ need to do sameformality by bank for change the money bank need to writ the name ofcompany +address +re jester number +re jester place this is just ourbank country formality,this is my costumer problem for changing hismoney to U.SD $ and transfer to your company请问大家客户到底是什么意思?伊朗真的是这么操作的?这个可以给他吗?50%定金,50%见提单copy付款